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"Orla, come here!"

A very subdued and sad Orla came into Java Junction, not wanting anyone to call her or recognise her.

She didn't want to speak to the person calling her now.

Turning round, she saw Richelle sat at a table with an unfamiliar guy in front of her.

"This is Amanda's cousin Cooper," Richelle introduced her. "Cooper, this is Orla."

"Oh my gosh, you're Orla! That's so cool!" Cooper grinned, shaking her hand.

"Yeah," Orla smiled.

"Where's James? I'd love to meet him!" Cooper asked enthusiastically.

Orla tried not to flinch. "Uh, he's- he's actually overseas at a competition at the moment."

"Oh, too bad, you must miss him a lot," Cooper said. "I miss him and I don't even know him."

"Yeah, no, I miss him," Orla wasn't lying there. She wished for anything that James could be here to help her. Problem was, he was unlikely to believe her side of the story after hearing it from Piper and Michelle (and even Alfie) that the kiss was genuine.

She looked to Richelle and said. "Um, I gotta go, I'm going to visit Noah at the hospital, but... see you later."

"See you," smiled Richelle.

"Bye!" Cooper smiled, waving enthusiastically.

Orla ducked out skillfully. "Bye."



Orla shuffled into Noah's hospital room, the boy looking slightly annoyed as he lay in bed, the thin blue sheets swamping him.

"Hey, Orla," Noah said, seeming slightly irritated.

"Um, are you okay?" Orla asked.

"Not really, no," Noah sighed.

"And that is because...?" Orla raised her eyebrows.

And then Noah cracked. "Amanda keeps babying me! Like, I know she's just trying to be nice but calling me a 'poor thing' and trying to feed me? Very attractive."

Orla tried to sympathise as she said. "Okay... well, just tell her what you want. Say sorry, obviously, and then tell her that you don't want her to baby you. If she's properly into you, she'll understand."

Noah smiled at her. "Thanks, Orls, I just... y'know? I think I... I think I love her."

Before, if Orla had been told this, she would've laughed and smiled, telling Noah to tell her and urging him to do the right thing, showering him with advice.

Now? Well... she looked at her brother for a second before bursting into tears.

She loved someone. And that very someone was the one that she was just about to break the heart of, before he broke her own.

"Orls..." Noah said, trying to lay a hand on her shoulder as his sister sobbed to herself.

"I-I'm sorry," Orla got out. "It's just... everything is so messed up... and it's all my fault..."

Crying was a constant for her these days, and she was getting used to it.

She was just so sad.

And Noah soon realised that there was a reason.

"Something happened," he said to Orla, his mouth set in a line. "Something... big happened whilst I was away."

Orla stopped sobbing and looked up at him, her eyes red and puffy, tears streaming down her cheeks. She nodded.

"Tell me," Noah said, clenching his fists.

Orla shook her head. "Y-you won't believe me."

Noah looked at her. "I'll believe whatever comes out of your mouth, Orls. I trust you one hundred percent."

Orla had never felt so appreciated.

Well, since James left for London.

So she told her brother... everything. The whole story.

She was an absolute mess by the end of it, makeup smudging as well.

"Waterproof mascara, my arse," she muttered as she finished, wiping black smudges from her undereyes.

Noah, meanwhile, was sitting, not laughing like she thought he would.

Finally, he said. "I don't care whether I get out of here in time or not, if you or Riley try to make me dance with Alfie, I'm gonna kill him and then you."

Orla smiled weakly, saying. "You know it means a lot to me that you say that, but I don't want you to give up a chance dancing at qualifiers for me."

Noah shook his head. "He practically assaulted you, Orls. I'm not dancing with him."

Orla wiped the yet more tears that came. "Thank you."

Noah smiled. "Anytime, Orls."

Orla wiped her eyes, saying. "I'll go and get Amanda. I believe you two have some talking to do."

Noah smiled slightly. "Thanks."

Orla tried to smiled back. "Anytime."


Orla struggled to breathe as she held her phone in her hands and clicked on his contact.


He was probably sleeping, she knew. So she was surprised when he picked up.


"Hey," Orla said back. "I thought you'd be sleeping."

"Nope, I'm awake," came his voice. "Let's talk."

Orla couldn't breathe-

"Face to face."

Well, she definitely couldn't now.


Stood behind her.

Eyes cold. Face set.

No no no-

He would never believe her now, if Piper had already said something-

She could feel Alfie's hands on her-



𝑯𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑯𝑨𝑻𝑺 ♥︎ 𝑶𝒓𝒍𝒂 𝑻𝒂𝒚𝒍𝒐𝒓 (The Next Step)Where stories live. Discover now