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Orla sat, head in her hands, in the office. She couldn't feel, couldn't think, couldn't breathe. She was sobbing so hard she thought she would choke.

Her whole body felt disgusting, especially her lips.


Looking up, Orla saw Piper, lip curled.

"Finally thought of James then?" She raised her eyebrows. "Didn't seem to be thinking of him when your lips were on Alfie's!"

"Piper listen," Orla sobbed. "Alfie, he- he made me-"

"Doesn't seem like it!"

"But Piper-"

"If he made you, then why were you kissing back?!" Piper shouted.

"I was trying to get away! I- Piper, I-" she stopped. "James is gonna hate me..."

"Good!" Piper yelled back savagely. "I hope he does, after what you did to him!"

Silence fell between them, and the only sounds to be heard were the sobs from both girls.

Then Piper said. "You have a day to tell James. Or else I will."

Orla shook her head. How did you tell the person you loved with all your heart that your lips had touched someone else? Consensually or not.

Orla shook her head. "Piper, please-"

"DON'T touch me!" Piper recoiled at Orla's touch and slapped her away.

She looked at Orla. "One day."

Then she left.

And Orla broke down even harder.


"Yo, what's up, Orls? I haven't heard from you in ages, so... just call me, when you can, alright? Cause it's been a while and it's really starting to trip me out. So just give me a call whenever you can. Love y-"

Orla turned her phone off before he could complete the phrase, sobs making her body convulse.

She couldn't do this.

She couldn't tell him.

But she had to.


In an effort to try and be normal, Orla had wiped her tears, washed her face, and was in Java Junction now with Michelle.

"Hey, Orla!"

Turning round, Orla registered a table filled with A-Troupe members. Cassie, Amy, Henry and Sloane were all there.

And Piper.

Orla tried to smile but her lips only twitched when she said. "Hey guys, what are you doing?"

"Just signing a card for Noah," smiled Cassie. "Will you sign it?"

"Of course," Orla said, taking the card from the girl's hands.

"Yeah, Orla, sign the card."

Orla looked up to see Piper. "It's for someone who's not here. You should write 'I can't wait until you come home'."

Orla said. "Well, I can't wait until Noah comes home, so..."

Piper faltered, seemingly forgetting Noah and Orla were related for a second.

But the girl recovered quickly, saying. "Make sure to sign 'XOXO, Orla'. The means hugs... and kisses."

"Let's get a drink, Michelle," Orla said as she passed the card back.

"Sure," Michelle nodded, coming round to order with her.

As they walked up to the counter, Michelle looked at Piper, asking Orla. "Why's she so mad at you? She needs to get her attitude checked out."

Orla took a deep breath, shaking. Half from anger, half from fear.

She didn't know why she wasn't telling anyone what Alfie had done. I mean... she was in the perfect position to tell Michelle, but she wasn't.

It was just- the look in his eyes as he came towards her... she would never forget it. And it haunted her.

She was afraid.

She hated it, but she was.

And she didn't know what to do.


More voicemails. More calls left to ring.

Orla was crying again as Michelle entered.

"So... Alfie... and you."

Orla's face told her everything.

She gasped. "So it is true!"

"No, it's not!" Orla shouted. "Well, I mean- yes, I kissed Alfie but you don't understand, it was a mistake-"

"How is that a mistake?!" Michelle exclaimed. "Your lips touching someone else's lips, that isn't a mistake!"

"It was- Alfie he- he trapped me in the room and he started talking and we got closer and-"

"Have you any idea what this is going to do to James?" Michelle shouted. His name and the way she said it made Orla flinch but she went on regardless. "To the studio? Piper is beside herself and she has to dance with Alfie!"

Oh f-

The duet. Orla had completely forgotten about it before now. But Piper and Alfie...

Oh no no no no no-

"It's like I don't even know who you are anymore!" Michelle's hard voice cut through her thoughts as the girl turned and walked out the studio.

For around the fifth time that day, Orla put her head in her hands and sobbed.

"I don't know who I am either."

𝑯𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑯𝑨𝑻𝑺 ♥︎ 𝑶𝒓𝒍𝒂 𝑻𝒂𝒚𝒍𝒐𝒓 (The Next Step)Where stories live. Discover now