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Orla stood by Miss Kate the next morning as she announced something. "Okay, I have some exciting news. There's this really prestigious trio competition coming up, soon, and we have officially been invited to compete."

"Oh!" Everyone nodded.

"Yeah!" Miss Kate smiled. "It's such an honour because they only ever ask the nest teams to come in. But, the catch is that everyone has to choreograph to the same song and there are no costumes allowed."

Orla nodded at this. It was a good rule. No flashiness or frills, just dancers and dance moves.

"So, since this is sort of practice for Nationals, I think it should be Amanda, Giselle and Thalia that compete," smiled Kate.

Everyone clapped for the three girls as Kate added. "Selected studios can bring as many studios as they want, so I'm also bringing a trio from J-Troupe."

More clapping as Kate then said. "Alright, Orla, why don't you get everyone warmed up?"

"Gotcha," Orla smiled, walking to the front and taking note of attendance in her head.

Emily still wasn't there yet.


She arrived, slumping in, half an hour late, half way through warm up. Hunter, of course, went over to check on her, and Orla wanted to, too, but she couldn't because she was leading the warm up.

Anyway, after an hour's rehearsal, everyone was on a break, and Orla was talking to James at the top of the studio as West and Eldon practiced flips on the floor.

"Yo, you know that list?" He asked her. "I'm working on it right now."

"Oh, really?" Orla smiled. "You ready for number seven?"

"Nah, not yet," he said, smiling. "I've been researching it, getting ready for some high altitude hiking, y'know, just mentally preparing."

"Yeah," Orla giggled.

"You don't even wanna know what number seven is," James shook his head.

"Right now I'm working on number eleven actually," James said.

"Number eleven?" Orla raised her eyebrows.

"Number eleven is that he has to make a move named after me," she smiled.

"Yeah, I've already got the name, actually," James said.

"What is it?" Orla asked.

"Nah, can't tell you, it'd ruin the surprise," James told her.

"Okay, well, then, when you figure it out, let me know," Orla smiled at him, leaving her position against the wall and heading out the studio, meeting Hunter on the way in.

"Honestly, I thought for sure that James would've given up, but seeing that he's so committed and focused on getting this done..." a blush warmed her cheeks. "It's really hopeful."


"Hey Orla!" Both Gabi and Camille said, slight smiles on their faces as they walked out of the office.

"Hey, guys," Orla was waiting on one of the benches in Studio A for James, who had told her he had a surprise for her.

"Are you okay?" Camille asked. "You're just here, alone."

𝑯𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑯𝑨𝑻𝑺 ♥︎ 𝑶𝒓𝒍𝒂 𝑻𝒂𝒚𝒍𝒐𝒓 (The Next Step)Where stories live. Discover now