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The Nationals duet? Um... yeah.

It was not going well.

The dance had just started, with Orla sitting on a chair, James standing above her, and Miss Kate watching from the side. But Orla could already tell it was headed for disaster.

Tonight, we're gonna dream we're gonna see the stars,

Go round and round and round

Normally, Orla loved dancing in Studio A. But today, she hated it.

"Me and James are just not on the same page," she shook her head. "Our chemistry's just not there."

Even when they were supposed to be together, Orla tried to stay as far away from him on the floor as she could, and she didn't want to touch him, even though she had to.

James explained. "Chemistry is important in a partner work because you have to trust each other."

"The problem is, I don't trust him," Orla smiled sarcastically.

"If there's no connection there's no chemistry, it's just not gonna work," James shook his head.

"And why is that, James?" Orla raised her eyebrows. "Because it sure as hell isn't my fault."

James tried to lift Orla up, but he didn't do it properly and she didn't hold on, resulting in her making a "urgh!" and him dropping her down quickly.

They lost the dance for a few seconds before picking it back up and continuing.

"At this point, I'm very worried about the duet," Kate said disappointedly. "Normally James and Orla work so well together and have such great chemistry, they have since I paired them together at four years old. But now, it's just falling apart in front of our eyes."

At this point, they were just running about the floor, doing the occasional move.

"I'm feeling very upset with James right now, I mean, I'm just sort of letting out all the pent up anger that has built inside of me over the past few days," Orla said.

She even went to the lengths of physically shoving James to the floor. He sighed, getting up and trying to continue with the dance, but Orla blocking him in his next move.

"She's not even looking at me," James said. "It's kinda like there's no connection whatsoever, actually, it's the opposite of connection, we're repelling."

Even when they were doing moves in sync, they weren't together, and every touch they had was uncomfortable.

Don't wanna make your heart break...

"The song says 'don't wanna make your heart break'," Orla fumed. "But in real life, he did make my heart break. So how could he not want to?"

As they finished, Orla knocked over the chair, as she was supposed to, but with much more force than she meant to, firing it across the room. Then she was out.

"We'll pick this up tomorrow night at rehearsal!" Kate called desperately after her.

"Got it!" She shouted back, anger and venom lacing every word.


Orla felt like she had his name tattooed on her forehead as she walked into Culture Shock in nicer clothes than earlier. It was open mic tonight, and she decided that she might as well go.

𝑯𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑯𝑨𝑻𝑺 ♥︎ 𝑶𝒓𝒍𝒂 𝑻𝒂𝒚𝒍𝒐𝒓 (The Next Step)Where stories live. Discover now