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TNS was on one side. Elite on the other. Tension filled the room.

Even more when Kate, Phoebe and Lucien emerged from the office, the hat of names in Phoebe's hands. Orla sighed, sitting down on one of the benches, James standing behind her. She had Giselle on one side, Noah on the other.

"Alright you guys! It's time for the competition!" Kate called. "All the names have been placed in the hat!"

"It could be Elite v Elite, Elite v The Next Step... or even The Next Step v The Next Step."

Pheobe picked the first name, as there was no winner to do it.


All The Next Steppers cheered for him as he hi fived Eldon and James and ran up to the hat, picking his competitor.

His face dulled as he saw the name.


Orla wanted to tell Elite to shut up as they jeered and sniggered at the TNS side, but she knew it was only a matter of time before they would have to compete against themselves as well.

Eldon sighed as he went up to stand next to Hunter.

"Alright," sighed Kate. "You guys have an hour to rehearse and then we'll meet back here."

Orla could feel James tense behind her.

"This it it," she looked up at him. "We're losing a member of TNS."

James could only nod.


Everyone came back once the hour was up and a stricken Hunter and Eldon were already there.

"Alright, round one, let's do it!" Cried a smirking Lucien.

"Good luck, bro," Hunter and Eldon hugged each other before they went on, which Orla thought was nice.

Hunter went first, and he did a good job. She knew that he and Eldon knew what they had  do. They had to rep TNS until the very end. This was for Internationals.

She smiled when he did the headslide, and so did many others. It was like a bit of home.

Daniel wasn't impressed. "How many times do I have to watch Hunter dust the floor with his head? Come on."

"How about I mop the floor with your head, Daniel?" Orla raised her eyebrows. 

Hunter finished and all of TNS clapped and shouted for him. Orla smiled sadly as Eldon took the floor.

And there was no stopping him. She knew he had to dance as hard as he could, and so he did.

There really was no beating him.

"He's doing amazing," she said to James sadly.

"There's no beating him," her boyfriend shrugged.

Eldon turned and turned and Orla revelled in seeing the worried looks on Elite's faces.

The short solo finished and Eldon's elation faded as he knew he was competing against a fellow teammate.

He and Hunter stood, one behind the other with a gap between them.

𝑯𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑯𝑨𝑻𝑺 ♥︎ 𝑶𝒓𝒍𝒂 𝑻𝒂𝒚𝒍𝒐𝒓 (The Next Step)Where stories live. Discover now