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So this was it.

Today was the qualifier.

And Orla was so, so nervous.

"We just have to finish in the top four, and we're through, we're in Regionals," Orla said. "The thing is, there has been some issues with this trio, and nothing can go wrong today."

She and Riley were there, of course, and Michelle, Amanda and Alfie had come along as well, for extra help. Apart from them it was just the three dancers. Piper, Richelle and Noah.

They were standing on the stage right now, which was just a black floor with curtains of the same colour behind it and some mounted seating on the other side. They were the only ones in the studio at the moment, and were just in their little circle.

"You excited?" Orla asked her brother, smile on her face.

"I'm very excited," Noah grinned back at her, clearly glad of this return to their normal dynamic, after Orla yelling at him the other day for marking the routine.

"You guys ready?" Riley checked round the group, looking at Richelle and Piper.

"We're ready," the blonde replied, confident as ever.

"Then let's win the qualifier," Orla smiled.

"We're the reigning Internationals champions," she said. "Qualfiying for Regionals should be a piece of cake... shouldn't it?"


Once the place started to fill up and Noah, Richelle and Piper got warmed up, Orla smiled to see a text from James<3 light up her phone.

Good luck for today, Orls! Not like you need it xxxx

Orla smiled at her phone.

"Hey," Michelle coming round the corner made her head snap up.

"Hi," Orla smiled.

"How are you doing?" Michelle asked, as Riley and Amanda came over as well.

"I'm being stupid," Orla said. "I just- I feel like somehow, Riley and I are responsible for whatever happens today but since I'm not dancing, I can't control any of it."

"Well, if you were dancing, none of the teams would have any chance, so you should be glad you're giving the others a chance," Amanda reassured her.

Orla chuckled. "I do not think that's true, but either way, I still have no control."

"Not entirely true," Michelle shrugged. "You know, I think all three of these guys would really be helped by a pep talk from us veterans."

Orla smiled slightly. "Okay, how about Michelle and Riley, you go talk to Piper, Amanda, you talk to Richelle, and I'll go and talk to Noah."

Or rather beat some sense into him.

As they all split up, Orla motioned for her brother to join her, which he did.

"Hey, Orls," he said rather unsurely.

"Hey, you feeling alright?" Orla asked him.

Noah shrugged. "Why are you asking me this now?"

"I just want to make sure you're ready for the trio," Orla said firmly. "Because I hate to boost your ego, but I'm kinda counting on you to hold us together this time round, and I'm hoping you can do it."

𝑯𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑯𝑨𝑻𝑺 ♥︎ 𝑶𝒓𝒍𝒂 𝑻𝒂𝒚𝒍𝒐𝒓 (The Next Step)Where stories live. Discover now