quatre - recital

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It was now our sophomore year of high school, the day of the school's recital

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It was now our sophomore year of high school, the day of the school's recital.

Which I'm taking photos of for the yearbook. Felix came with me, as moral support and to write down the details for the photos.

It was Jake's turn, he didn't know I was there to my knowledge.

"Up next is Jake Sim, playing a song that he says he holds close to his heart, after watching the movie it's from for the first time with a close friend of his."

I watch as he sits down on the chair, picking up his violin and starts playing.

[video is at the top]

My breath catches in my throat when I hear the familiar melody.

Felix looks to me with concern, holding the pen in his hand.

"It's the Merry-Go-Round of Life, from Howl's Moving Castle." I say, trying not to have my voice break.

"Oh shit, that's the movie you watched with him." Felix responds, elbowing me.

I try my best to focus on taking photos, somehow managing to steady my hands enough to get a few good ones. He's too focused on his music to realize anyone watching him, nonetheless taking his photo.

I feel a few tears roll down my face, feeling nothing but pride. I can't help but to feel touched.

That day that we watched it, it was after he had told me he'd never seen it. We'd both had awful days and watched it at my house, bundled up under blankets on the couch, trying to warm up after walking home in the snow. My mom let him spend the night that day, after deciding that it was too cold for him to leave. We watched so many Studio Ghibli movies that night.

I can't stop myself from smiling at his performance. It's so beautiful, and he did it so well.

He's the last to perform, giving it his all. I feel so proud of him. So happy at the song he chose.

Felix and I quietly sit through the awards ceremony, watching Jake receive first place. We cheer him on very loudly when he gets on stage to receive his award. He notices me sitting in the front row, pausing to smile and wave at me. I return the gesture.

Right after the ceremony, I hand the camera to Felix and we weave our way through the crowd to find Jake. When I find him, I shout his name. He turns around and jogs to me and I tightly hug him.

"You did wonderful, Jakey." I quietly say in his embrace.

"You think so?"

"Mhm, not to mention how flattered I am with your song choice and for my shout out." I respond, letting go and winking at him, leaving him a little flustered.

"I've been working on it for a long time."

"It shows, you did amazing."

This entire time I act like I can't hear Felix snapping pictures of Jake and I.

Way to fuel my delusion, Lix.

"Where's your parents, aren't they here?" I ask, looking around for them.

"Oh no, they don't usually come, they're always busy." he responds nonchalantly.

"Why don't we go get a snack, to celebrate your win?" I offer, looking between Felix and Jake.

"Sorry I can't, I have to help Olivia with her homework." Felix lies through his teeth.

"Oh, alright. Guess it will just be me and you, Jake." I offer, glaring a little at Felix for his shenanigans.

"Yeah I'll see you guys tomorrow, and congrats again Jake."

"Thanks man."

About thirty minutes later I receive a text from Felix.


Oh my god these photos of you two are so fucking cute I'm literally emailing them to you right now.

Shut up Felix

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