quinze - wedding bells

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The day of our wedding

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The day of our wedding. My palms sweat profusely from nervousness and I'm taken over by shock when Jen nearly kicks down my bedroom door before she realized it was unlocked. She swings the door open, Hanni and Danielle behind her before Lily joins them, clearly just having woken up as well.

"RiSe aND sHInE IVY!" Jen yells, mimicking this one really annoying famous chick.

I look to my nightstand, where a note Jake left last night before he left lays. I tuck it in my pjs pocket and head downstairs.

"What does that note say? Or is it too filthy for us to read?" Lily teases, elbowing me in the side while eating her cereal beside me.

"Actually, it's surprisingly pretty tame." I respond, skimming through the note again.

"Oooh, read it to us."Danielle requests, resting her chin on her palms.

"Dear Haewon, that's my Korean name, I miss you so much right now. And that fat ass you carry around behind you everywhere." I pause reading for a moment to laugh with the girls, continuing after regaining my composure. "There hasn't been a day that I haven't thought about you, not since the day we met on the soccer field. You were always in my mind, motivating me to be better. I never forgot how effortlessly kind you are to people, or your wonderful sense of humor. Especially not that dumpy." I have to pause again to laugh with the girls at his antics. "Try your best not to be nervous about tomorrow, everything will be okay. If you have any worries at all, just remember that after the reception, we'll be together the whole night and long after that. Nothing else in the world excites me more in this moment than the thought of being your husband. I love you forever, Ivy. And don't forget to mentally prepare to get railed afterwards."

I look around the room and all the girls wear the most dramatically shocked expressions they can manage.

"What?" I ask.

"YOU FILTHY ANIMALS!" Hanni jokingly shouts.

We all laugh at her joke, packing our stuff up in Jen and Danielle's cars.

We head to the venue, starting to immediately get ready as soon as we get there.

Jen and Hanni help me get in my wedding dress.

"Oh my god, Jake wasn't lying. You do have a total dump truck!" Jen yells so loud it makes me wonder if the staff across the building heard too.

"Yeah I've been made aware. Can you just put the dress on me?" I respond, flustered. Her and Hanni put the rest of my dress on me, zipping it up in the back.

Lily and Danielle had been busy getting all the hair utensils ready. Felix comes in to tell me that our ring bearer is there. I didn't tell anyone who it was besides his grandma, who takes care of him when he isn't at the daycare.

I ask Felix to bring him in the room.

He comes back with Johnny and his grandma in tow.

"MS. IVY !!" he yells, getting scooped up by Danielle and handed to me.

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