vingt - ssick

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I wake up, feeling a soreness all over my body

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I wake up, feeling a soreness all over my body. My nose feels stuffed with snot and I'm sweating all over. My body starts violently shaking as I start to gag. I shoot up out of Jake and I's bed and sprint to the bathroom. I try to hold most of my hair back when my head flings forward when I throw up.

Tears run down my face as I try my best to breathe between gags. I feel someone take my hair in their hands and hold it for me just before my body lurches forward and I continue to vomit. When I stop, I look behind me to see the concerned face of my handsome, loving husband.

"You alright, Angel?" he asks, tilting his head a little. I nod a little and he places a kiss on my forehead, telling me that he'll be right back.

He brings back a damp paper towel and wipes off my face with it, throws it away, and leads me to our bed, laying me down before going to get medicine.

He brings it back with a glass of water.

"Thank you, Love. Do you mind waking up Johnny for me?"

"Oh, I already did."

"Oh okay, are you going to take him to the daycare?" I ask. He squats down and places a hair behind my ear.

"Of course, and I already texted Ethan to tell Jen that you're sick."

"Thank you. You're the best." I compliment, ruffling his hair a little.

"I guess I'll accept your compliment this time." he says, acknowledging how often we go back and forth after one compliments the other.

We just lock eyes for a second, and he brings his face close to mine.

"Aren't you going to get ready for work?"

"No, I called out when I woke up Johnny. I'm taking care of you today."

"Jake, you really didn't-" he kisses my lips, interrupting me.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT, YOU'LL GET SICK??!!!" I yell a little from the shock.

"I don't care if I get sick, it was worth kissing my heavenly wife." he remarks, making my heart melt. A pout uncontrollably fixes itself on my face and he kisses my lips again, backing away from me with a broad smile.

Johnny opens the door to our room and Jake instantly scoops him up in his arms.

"You ready for school, buddy?" he asks.

"Mhm! We're learning to count to one hundred today!" he excitedly replies.

It would be so funny if he ended up like Jake with his love of physics.

Jake turns to me, asking if I knew where my keys were at, since we haven't gotten a car seat for Jake's car for Johnny yet.

"Maybe they're on the coffee table?" I suggest, then blowing Johnny kisses.

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