dix-sept - dream

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It was the same dream, again

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It was the same dream, again. I've dreamt it all my life. A little boy, being sent off with a bribe to live at the neighbors house.

By my mother.

The difference between dreams and reality is that one of them aren't real. That's why reality has the word real in it.

However, this dream is one that I've dealt with at least once a month for the entirety of my existence.

It always disturbed me when I was younger, when I couldn't figure out what to make of it.

But now I realize it's nothing.

My mother and father were only married for about a week when they got pregnant with me. Then I was born prematurely. I had to stay in the hospital for a really long time, it changed my mother. She said she couldn't do that again, I'm guessing she meant the toll that me being in the hospital and not knowing if I was going to be alright must've had on her was extreme.

I try to get it off my mind as I tidy up the house a little for Lily and Felix to come over. Jake went downstairs earlier to cook breakfast. My arms wrap around him and he lightly hisses, taking a step back from the stove so I won't get burnt. He turns himself around in my embrace and smiles down at me, pulling my lips into a sweet, soft kiss.

"Good morning, baby. How'd you sleep?" he asks, tucking a hair behind my ear.

"Mm. I slept pretty well after you tired me out last night." I reply, winking at him. His ears turn a bright red and his cheeks a soft pink.

"Any time, Love." he replies after regaining his composure. He rubs my cheek with his thumb, pinching it a little. We part and he goes back to cooking breakfast. I turn on the tv, finding a random gaming video to watch. He enters the living room, sitting down next to me with both of our breakfasts.


I get ready for Lily and Felix to come over, glancing at the DNA tests on the counter. I know, odd group activity, but we all were extremely bored and thought it would be fun.

Johnny sits on the couch coloring, something I haven't told them about.

Felix walks in and greets Johnny then gives me a confused look. I just smile before saying that I'll explain when Lily got here.

Lily is also filled with confusion when she arrived, giving me the same look.

I explain the situation and they look at me in awe. We take our DNA tests and mail them in.

Now all we have to do is wait.

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