vingt et une - test

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I sigh, slightly nervous

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I sigh, slightly nervous. My period is late, and I don't want to jump to my own conclusions but I fear that I might be pregnant. I decide to confide in my newly discovered brother and closest friend, Felix.



hey girly


so Jake is out with his friends right now and my period is late

oh god

yeah, would you care to bring a pregnancy test over from the store

of course, I'll be on my way in a bit

thanks lix

you're the best

i know, i know


I put my phone up so I can wake up Johnny and make him breakfast.

Johnny sits at the kitchen table once he gets done washing up and brushing his teeth.

"Why aren't you sitting on the couch, baby?" I ask him.

"I wanted to sit in here with you."

"Oh okay. Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, I slept well. Did you and Dad?"

"Mhmm, we did."

"Where is Dad?"

"He's out with his friends." I respond, flipping his eggs.

Felix opens the door and enters in the house with a bag of tests.

"Uncle Lixie!" Johnny yells, running to Felix, who wraps the bag up before shouting for me to catch. He throws it and I catch it while he lifts up Johnny.

"I know they say to get three to be safe but I got five different kinds just to be extra safe." he whispers to me. "Go take the first one, I'll keep cooking his breakfast."

I run up to Jake and I's bathroom with a small cup and take the first test.

Felix Pov:

I continue to hold Johnny as I cook his breakfast and cook some for Ivy and I as well. I serve Johnny his breakfast and make myself a plate as well.

"What kind of tests is Mom taking?"

"Oh, it's a very important test. Let's make sure to not be too loud so we won't disturb her." I reply, hoping he bought it.

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