douze - birthday

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Today is Jake's birthday, November 15

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Today is Jake's birthday, November 15. I snuck out of bed to make him breakfast, french toast with bacon and a cup of coffee. I set it on his night stand with the cover on top so the food doesn't get cold and hop back in bed with him. He stirs a little, and I pretend to be asleep, taking comfort in his warmth.

"Mm, Angel. I can smell the breakfast you made me." he says as I continue to foolishly think that he would believe me to be asleep.

Jake's hands rush beneath my armpits, tickling them with no mercy. I flop around like a fish out of water, tears at the corners of my eyes as I roar with laughter.

"Fine! Fine! I've been awake!" I yell, he stops tickling me.

"Oh, Baby, I knew you had been this entire time." he replies, a wide grin on his face before he buries his face in my chest, releasing laughter from my lungs again.

"Eat your breakfast before it gets cold."

"Maybe I should get you another blanket then." he compliments, winking at me. He turns over and gets his breakfast, smiling at me before eating.

Once he's done, he turns back over, laying his head in my bare legs as I read my book.

"You finished?" I ask, peeking over my book.

"Mm, I think I could use a second course." he responds, beginning to draw hearts on my thighs and I realize where this is going.

He bites down on my thigh, starting to leave a hickey there. My breath hitches, and I use my book to cover my face. I bite down on my lip to prevent any noise from coming out.


"Of course, birthday boy."


When we get done, he lays on my bare chest, leaving one last hickey. He had left them all over while we fucked.

"Baby, you look perfect. Like an Angel." he says, lifting himself off of my body, admiring all the marks he had left.

I feel my cheeks heat a little from the way he looks at me.

His eyes grow as he observes the effect he has on me.

"Jake, you're making me nervous." I state, avoiding look into his eyes. He tries his best to make eye contact with me, eventually just grabbing my face , connecting our foreheads together.

His hand supports my neck as his lips connect with mine in a gentle kiss. After we part, I suddenly remember his presents.

"Oh my God! I have gifts for you! Close your eyes!" I excitedly shout, putting on my shirt and bouncing up and down a little. His eyes shut and I pull his presents out of the drawer.

I place the jersey in his hands first, telling him to open them.

He excitedly unwraps it, the brightest smile on his face when he does.


"Mhm, now close your eyes again. I have another gift for you."

He does as he's told and I give him the bracelet.

When Jake opens his eyes, he seems confused. He carefully unties the ribbon around the box and opens it up.

Underneath the lid rests two bracelets, made of gold and silver. His eyes are shining at me, and he excitedly takes out the gold bracelet, pulling my wrist towards him and putting it on me. He slides the box over to me, sticking out his wrist, I fasten the bracelet and Jake envelopes me in the warmest hug I've ever been given.

"Thank you so much, Baby. I love you."

"I love you too, Sunshine."

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