dix-neuf - foive

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It's been about a week since the whole secret sibling fiasco, a week before that I adopted Johnny and about two weeks before that I got married to Jake.

But none of that matters today because it's Johnny's birthday. February 9th.

Today is his fifth birthday and Jake and I want to make it special, since it's the first without his grandmother, and since it's his first birthday with us.

We got him a cake with characters from his favorite tv show, the birthday decorations matching it.

When he wakes up, his eyes shine seeing everything from the stairs. He excitedly runs over to me on the couch, Banksy chasing after him.

Everyday when he wakes up, our little puppy rushes right behind him. He loves her very much, always bending down to pet her.

After Johnny moved in with us, she started sleeping in his room. Jake and I thought it couldn't hurt the two of them.

"So what did you get me for my birthday?" he excitedly asks, standing up on the couch. I pat his leg and tell him to sit down.

"Jake and I will show you after the party."

"Um, Ms. Ivy?" he starts, quiet.

"Hm? Is something wrong?"

"Well it's just that I'm going to be staying here for a very long time, so I was wondering what I should call you."

"Well, you can call us whatever you're comfortable with, Johnny."

"Can I call you Mom and Dad?" he asks shyly, and I feel tears sting in my eyes a little. I see Jake on the staircase, smiling wide, tilting his head down a little.

"If that's what you want to call us, then of course."

"I would. You are my mom now, Ms. Ivy."

I just smile at him, ruffling his hair.

"Happy birthday!" Jake exclaims in a sing-song way, picking up Johnny.

I hear the two of them walk into the kitchen, only catching the first few bits of their conversation.

I smile to myself, never imagining that becoming a mother could be this delightful.

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