quatorze - Christmas

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I dress myself in a dark purple dress with a slit that starts at the middle of my thigh

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I dress myself in a dark purple dress with a slit that starts at the middle of my thigh. I wear black heels with it, dawning my gold jewelry. Specifically the gold bracelet I have that matches Jake's silver one, though, I never take it off.

Jake exits from the bathroom, in his white button up and blazer with matching pants. He's wearing black dress shoes and a black belt. I spot his silver bracelet on his wrist, causing me to smile.

"Oh my God, you're stunning, Angel." he states, walking over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"And you look just as equally delicious, Sunshine." I reply, wrapping his dark purple tie around the back of his neck, bringing his face near mine and I let my lips connect with his.

"You better cool it, you know we'll both end up fucking."

"And if we do?"

"No, Ivy, you know we can't. We have to go to this Christmas party."

"Ugh, fine. We're definitely fucking as soon as we get back, though."

"Damn right." he replies, making it obvious that he's looking at my ass.

We head out the door, getting into Jake's car. His hand goes straight to my thigh right after he pulls out of his parking spot. I giggle at his antics, wrapping my arm around his.

When he parks at his office, he runs over to my side, offering his arm for me. My arm wraps around his and he leads me inside.

He shows me his office and introduces me to some of his coworkers. He gets in a conversation with two of them, asking if I'd get us drinks midway through. I make my way to the drinks table through the crowd of people, grabbing two of them.

"Hey, Beautiful! Can we speak with each other for a moment!"

"No, we can't, I'm engaged!"

He still catches up to me and stops me in my tracks.

"Excuse me, my name is Daniel Choi."

I decide to just speak with him, to avoid causing a scene.

"And I'm Ivy." I respond, trying to control my annoyance.

Seriously, I work with kids for a living but nothing pisses me off more than a grown man who can't take no for an answer.

"That's a pretty name." he says smiling.

"Uh huh."

"So what are you doing here? Are you new here or something?"

"No, I'm here with my fiancé."

"Oh, I didn't know you were engaged."


And he can't even listen. I already said I was fucking engaged.

"Who're you engaged to?" he asks, taking a step forward with his hands in his pockets.

"Oh, I'm engaged to Jake Sim."

"Ivy Sim doesn't have that ring to it, I think Ivy Choi sounds better." he says, taking another step.

"Um, no thank you."

"Come on, I'm sure that I'm way more fun than Jake."

"I said no."

"Are you sure-"

"Yeah, she seems pretty damn sure." I hear Jake say from behind me, taking a glass out of my hand and wrapping his arm around my waist, placing his hand on my hip, squeezing it a little.

Daniel walks away, seemingly in a fit of rage.

Jake takes me away from the crowd to a table and sitting me in one of the chairs.

"What all did he say to you?"

"He called me beautiful and asked to talk and I said 'No, I'm engaged.' I figured I should be nice to your colleagues though."

"That's my girl."

I kiss him softly. When we break away there's a little lipstick on his mouth. I contain my smile and take a sip of my drink.

Jake doesn't leave my side for the rest of the night.


As soon as we get home, my back is pressed up against the wall as Jake's lips meet mine, kissing me roughly.

His tongue meets mine as they dance together in each other's mouths. He taps my leg twice, telling me to jump in his arms. I do and his hands hold my ass as he walks up the stairs. My hands hold his face, rubbing circles on his cheek. I start leaving kisses on his neck and face. I take off his blazer and unbutton his shirt, leaving kisses on his chest too. I realize that my lipstick is still rubbing off, and I look to Jake's face since it's smeared all over his lips and the rest of his face from my kisses. I giggle to myself and he looks at me confused.

He unzips my dress, helping me out of it. He unclasps my bra and slides my underwear off. He presses my back against the wall again. He starts sucking on my tits and fingering me. Once he feels satisfied with that he takes off his underwear and I get on my knees. I start sucking his cock and don't stop until he finishes in my mouth.

Then he pushes me onto the bed, my thighs draped over his shoulders. He starts licking and sucking down there, my moans louder than ever. He gets done with that when he's bricked up again. He grabs a condom, ripping open the package and I help put it on him.

Jake shoves his dick inside me, causing me to moan loudly. He sucks on my tits again while he pumps in and out of me. I can't help but to be vocal about it.

He's doing me rough and I moan even louder. His tongue enters my mouth in an attempt to quiet me down a little.

"Can I bend you over, Baby?"


He moves me to the desk, bending me over it, reinserting himself inside me. He has me by the hips, bringing me closer to him every time he fucks me.

He starts to play with me again and I feel my eyes roll back.

I finish on him and he puts his dick back inside me again, finishing up himself.

He grabs a towel and cleans himself off, throwing the condom away. He passes the towel to me. I clean myself off too and throw it in the hamper.

I put on a baggy tee shirt of mine with shorts and go to clean off my face.

"Jakey?" I call, the old nickname feeling like honey from my lips.

"Yes, Angel?"

"Come here please." I say, getting my phone ready.

He walks in in his shorts and I take a mirror selfie when he poses. I start to clean off all the lipstick stains off of his toned torso and his pretty face and neck.

Once I finish up, he carries me bridal style over to the bed, laying himself and I on the bed.

We kiss each other goodnight and give each other kisses, exchanging I love yous and then finally falling asleep.

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