cinq - library

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I browse around the library, looking for a specific book, my favorite book, for my psychology class

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I browse around the library, looking for a specific book, my favorite book, for my psychology class. Jake follows me around, nonstop begging for me to attend his soccer game tonight.

"I don't know, Jake. I'm not taking photos and I don't have anyone to go with."

"But I'll be there!"

"Yeah on the field, not with me!"

"Please, Ivy? What if you make friends in the bleachers?"

"No, Jake, if you were there next to me it would be a different story. You'll be on the field and I don't trust the people on the bleachers, from what I've gathered, they're a bunch of moronic douchebags."

I find the book I'm looking for, The Wizard of Oz, and Jake snatches it off the shelf.

I groan, looking up towards him.

"Jaeyun, give me my book. I need it for my psychology paper." I purposely use the name his parents call him, to throw him for a loop.

"Okay, how about if you're not there and we lose, we get to have a sleepover to cheer me up?"

I take a moment to consider what he's actually saying to me, seeing no catches about the deal.

"Hmm, Haewon?" he asks, bending down a little to meet my height. I feel my heart leap around my chest, my name tastes like a sort of sweet venom coming from him. I've never felt any particular way about my names until I heard Jake say them.

"Fine, we've got a deal. You can even come over if you win, so play your best okay?"

"Thank you!" he replies with a bright smile, giddily walking me to my house.

"I'll see you later tonight then, Ivy."

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