dix-huit - secrets

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All of our DNA tests came back in today

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All of our DNA tests came back in today. Lily and Felix came over and we all opened our results at the same time.

Immediately I'm thrown for a loop when it says I have a sibling.

I'm an only child.

I click on the profile only to see a very familiar name.

Felix Lee.

I turn to him holding up my phone and he does the same, in sync with me.

His reads Ivy Shim.

Holy shit.

"Oh my fucking god." Lily comments, looking between our phones.

"There's no way. My parents have always told me I was an only child."

"Mine too" he says slightly panicked.

"Well obviously one of your parents was lying."

I scroll up the family tree on my phone, seeing my mother and father's names there. Felix scrolls up too, showing me their names.

"Hold on, let me call my mom." he says, going out the back door to call. Lily and I wait inside anxiously, I pace around the room, my mind racing. Johnny comes down the stairs for a snack.

"What's happening?" he asks innocently, tilting his head.

"Oh, don't you worry about it. I'll tell you when I figure it out." I reply, ruffling his hair.

He gets his snack from the fridge with a step stool, struggling to get a juice box in the back.

"Johnny, you can ask for help when you need it." I tell him, handing him a juice. He just replies with a tiny, "Okay, thank you." and waddles back up to his room.

Felix comes back in the house, eyes wide.

He explains what his mother told him over the phone, which perfectly matches up with my dream. My parents even paid his not to leave at certain points so we could continue going to the same school.

I call my mom and put her on speaker and she tells the same story, mentioning that she gave birth shortly before the marriage to my father, to a child they had out of wedlock. If her mother found out, she would be promptly kicked out of the family and out of the inheritance.

Then since it's so easy to get pregnant again after having a baby, they had me. I stand there in shock with Felix, going over everything in my mind, my mother snapping me out of it only when she begins to call my name.


I just hang up the phone, not knowing what else to say.

Felix and I hug each other.

"We're siblings." I state, still in shock.

"We're siblings." Felix reassures.

This is going to be a doozy to explain to Jake later when he gets home.

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