treize - graduation

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Finally, it's here

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Finally, it's here. I'm finally graduating. I'm wearing a nice dress with admittedly not as nice shoes because I don't want to fall going up the stairs when I receive my degree.

Though, I can't stand when they hold these sort of events outside. They're always so hot. I stand in line, waiting to receive my degree when I spot Jake in the crowd, next to my mom and dad. My parents are quietly arguing with one another while Jake is all smiles, his eyes glued to me. He waved at me and I wave back at him.

When I get on stage and receive my degree, everyone claps when they're supposed to and I hear a distinct, "WOOP WOOP" coming from the crowd, and I know exactly who did it.

Everyone throws their caps in the air, I don't throw mine too high, because ew what about head lice.

Afterwards Jake walks over to me, enveloping me in a hug and gently kissing my lips.

"As much as I hate to see you out of that dress, you should probably head over to the house and change before you go to the daycare."

"Yeah, that was the plan."

"Oh okay, well, I have to head to the office to finish some stuff. I'll see you at home, Angel."

"I'll see you too, Sunshine."

When I get to the daycare, I'm greeted by five of the best behaving kids.

"Ms. Ivy!!!" they all shout, running towards me with their little legs.

"Hi guys!" I excitedly say back, enveloping all five of them in a hug.

"How was graduation, Ms.Ivy?" Johnny asks.

"It was good, Johnny, thank you for asking."

"Did you throw those weird hats in the air?" Peach questions excitedly.

"Yes we did."

"How high did you throw yours?" Daniel asks.

"Not too high."

"When's lunch?" Grace asks, clinging to my arm.

"It's soon, it'll be here before you know it."

"Can we play now?"

"Yes, Eve, show me where Ms. Jen and Ms. Hanni are please."

The moment my two friends spot me they both envelope me in a tight hug.

"Congratulations!" they both excitedly shout.

"Thank you guys!"

"This doesn't mean you'll be leaving us for a new job, does it Ms. Ivy?" Johnny asks, teary-eyed.

"Of course not," I state, picking him up into my arms, "I won't be leaving here for a long time, okay?"

He just nods his head up and down, laying his head on my shoulder.

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