sept - charm

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I can't help but to pause at what he says, visibly flustered

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I can't help but to pause at what he says, visibly flustered.


"I asked how my lucky charm is doing." he replies, taking a step towards me, tilting his head a little and smiling at me.

"Relieved that I'm not about to get married to some weird, abusive asshole." I joke, making his smile wider. I've always loved that smile.

"You look really good, Jake." I tell him, leaning against the counter, scanning him up and down. He's dressed in a black blazer and dress pants, with a white button up, with the top two buttons undone.

"You look even better." he replies, his hand gently, slowly moving from my waist and stopping on my hip, placing itself there.

We stand there for a moment suspended in each other's gaze. The butterflies begin to wake within my stomach and begin to fly around.

He breaks away first before asking a question.

"So, when do you think you'll move in?" he asks, glancing up at the ceiling.


"Did you not hear them say that we had to move in together soon and start making preparations for the wedding? They agreed that you'd move in with me since I already have a house."

"I must've spaced out during all that."

"I had to force myself not to."

"Well, at the moment, I want to make sure that I can finish getting my degree."

"Yeah, what are you getting your degree in?"

"Education, I want to offer a safe space for students who come in my class. I'm going to try and go for an English teacher."

He doesn't say anything for a moment, just looks down at the floor, smiling.

"That's adorable."

"Are you making fun of me?" I joke

"No, no, I wouldn't ever make fun of you. You know that, Ivy."

"Jake, I know. I was pulling your leg."

He lets out a jokingly exasperated yell, folding himself over in relief. I just laugh at him and his antics.

A low growl erupts from my stomach, grabbing Jake's attention.

"Did you not eat this morning?" he asks, taking a step closer to me, moving a hair from my face, tucking it behind my ear.

"Uh, no. Mom told me not to."

Jake moves his hands on his hips and walks around in small circles.

"Ivy, why do you still listen to what she says about your body? As long as you're happy with yourself, who the fuck cares?"

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