seize - passing

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When I walk into work on Monday after my break, the girls immediately all come up and hug me

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When I walk into work on Monday after my break, the girls immediately all come up and hug me. The kids follow and I notice that Johnny isn't there.

Johnny is always here.

"Hey, Jen, do you know where Johnny is?" I question, whispering.

"Oh yeah, his grandma told me to give you this. She had to go to the hospital yesterday and had someone deliver this to me to give to you." she replies, running into her office and grabbing the letter.

As soon as it's in my hands I tear it open to read.

Dear Ivy Sim,
    I am deteriorating with age and I don't think I have much time left with Johnny. I don't think I'll be able to care for him anymore.

     I don't want Johnny to end up in an orphanage. I know how much you care for Johnny and even though I know it's a very big ask, I would really, really like for you to take care of him. I can only ask that you discuss this with your husband, Mr. Shim. Don't let my baby rot in an orphanage when I'm gone please.

With much thanks and love,
                                               Byeol Bethany Yang


My eyes widen and I immediately grab my phone, calling Jake. Jen writes down the address of the hospital that she's at, and I scramble for my keys, heading out the door.

Jake finally answers, sounding somewhat panicked. I quickly explain what's going on and he agrees to meet me at the hospital.

We arrive at the same time and head in, asking to see her. They lead us up to her and I find Johnny sitting there in the room.

His little boba eyes shift up to meet our gazes, tear stains shining on his cheeks.

"Aw, Johnny." I say, crouching down in front of him and wiping his tears away.

His arms wrap around my neck and he pulls me into a hug, beginning to sob. I rub his back and comb through his hair with my fingers until he calms down.

They wheel in his grandma and Jake and I tell her that we'd gladly take Johnny in, we decided that we couldn't let him go to the orphanage on our call on the way here. Plus, Jake did say he wanted to have kids with me.

She calls her lawyers and they call ours, and they transfer custody of Johnny over to us. She points us towards her purse, which has the house key to her home in it, attached to her car keys so we can get Johnny's car seat. Then she quietly instructs us to leave with Johnny, she didn't want him to see her go. She tells Johnny one last time to be good and that she loves him with all of her heart and that she's very proud of him and always will be.

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