trois - tutor

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After the day Jake saved my face from being met with a soccer ball, I couldn't really get my mind off him

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After the day Jake saved my face from being met with a soccer ball, I couldn't really get my mind off him.

The way his hair flops like dog ears when he runs, the charming crooked smile he wears whenever he talks to someone, and his overall friendly personality.

Which led me to ask him for help in math. Maybe it was because I actually needed it in order to understand what exactly it was that I was doing. Maybe it was because I couldn't get through math class without thinking about him. Or maybe, it was both.

"Earth to Ivy?"

Which leads me to where I am now.

It's only been a few days since I've met Jake, but he has me wrapped around his finger.

"Yeah, sorry?"

"Okay, focus on this algebraic equation, once you answer it, we'll take a quick break." he says reassuringly, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

Just as I finish the problem, Jake's parents come home, loudly arguing. He quickly looks over it, adjusting his glasses a little as he does.

He stands up, gently taking my hand, and leads me outside.

"Sorry about them. They can be pretty disruptive when doing homework." he apologizes, tucking his hands into his pockets.

"Oh, no need to be sorry. I go through the same thing with mine." I quietly respond.

"Why don't we go get some ice cream, on me?"

"I'm all for it as long as you're paying." I joke, wrapping my arm around his as we walk.

He jumps a little and I quickly apologize for startling him.

"No, don't worry about it, Ivy. I don't mind it." he responds, sticking out his arm for me to take.

"Only if you insist." I tease, winking at him, watching his cheeks burn red afterwards.

We order our ice cream at the shop, taking a seat at one of their tables.

"So I heard from Felix that you play violin." I ask, coming up with a conversation starter.

"Oh, yeah I do."

"Can I listen to you play one day?"

"Mmm. Maybe one day." he replies, squinting at me, then sending me a wink.

I feel my heart leap a little at the realization of what he did.

I just peacefully eat my ice cream, making small conversation with him as I do.

"Hey Ivy, you have something in your face."

"Where?" I ask, wiping around my mouth, still managing to miss the spot.

"Here, let me help." he says, waiting for my approval before he leans forward a little, using a napkin to get the food off my face.

I can feel my face heat up some, watching his do the same before going to throw away our now finished cups.

"Why don't you always wear those glasses?" I ask on the way back to his house.

"I don't think I look that good in them."

"Really?" I question, stopping dead in my tracks, causing him to turn around.

"I think you look really handsome in those glasses, Jake." I comment without really thinking about it, staring at the ground.

"Oh - uhm - thank you so much. I might start wearing them more often now." he remarks, both of our faces the shades of tomatoes.

We head back to his house, continuing to study.

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