vingt et deux - life

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Jake is driving to the hospital, working me through my contractions

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Jake is driving to the hospital, working me through my contractions. Though we knew when the baby would be arriving, it doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt like a bitch.

We dropped off Johnny to spend the night with Felix the night before and they'll be coming to the hospital soon after I give birth.

Through the uncomfortable and painful process of giving birth, Jake stayed by my side, hand in mine and holding my leg in the air with his other hand. 

"What's her name? It's for the birth certificate."

"Lillianne Nari Sim" Jake replies to the nurse, noting my lacking ability to communicate with her between my panting breaths. 

"I'll need you to spell all of that for me." she says, her voice trailing off as I notice my baby girl in a nurse's arms from across the room, making her way towards me.

When she's handed to me, I feel relief and joy radiate off my body, just as Jake goes to open the room door to let in Felix and Johnny.

"Mama!" I hear Johnny shout and run over, Jake intercepting him before he could crash onto my bed and crush me. Jake gently sets him down next to me and Johnny leans over to glance at his baby sister, while wrapping his arms around me in a hug.

"This is my yeodongsaeng? What's her name?"

"Yes," I say while smiling, noticing how Johnny has been practicing his Korean in order to speak to Jake's parents. "Her name is Lillianne Nari Sim, just like how you're Johnny Jungwon Sim."

"So Grandma and Grandpa will call her Nari, just like how they call me Jungwon?"

"Mhmmm. Do you want to hold Lillianne?" I softly ask Johnny. 

After a few seconds of consideration, he nods his head up and down. I hand her to him and he gently holds her in his little arms, smiling down at her.

Now I turn my attention to Felix, who has been crying since he walked in the room. 

"Awwh, Lix, come here." I say to him, holding out my arms. 

He walks over to me, accepting my hug while he continues to cry.

"Sorry, I'm just really proud of you and happy for you guys."

"Thanks man" Jake says once Felix pulls himself together a little more, pulling him into a bro hug.

After a few minutes, a nurse asks if I need anything and I tell her I need a family picture. Felix tries to slide out but I make sure he squeezes himself next to Jungwon. Jake is next to me, helping me hold Lilianne again, planting a kiss on my temple in the photo.

"Thank you I love it!" I politely comment and she sends me a nod with her head. 

I look up at Jake, showing him the picture. 

When our eyes meet, I see our entire new future in front of us, a fire started from a single spark.

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