huit - likey

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I'm packing up all my things, getting them ready to place them in my car so I can move in to Jake's

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I'm packing up all my things, getting them ready to place them in my car so I can move in to Jake's. Felix and Lily are in my room too, helping.

I suck in a breath before releasing it.

"So what do you two think? Do you think he actually likes me in that way?"

"Girl, I think he's whipped for you." Lily replies.

"I think he has been since the day you met him." Felix adds.

"What's the harm in asking?" Lily asks, "You two are already going to get married, there's nothing to lose."

Felix just nods.

"Yeah, I guess I'll ask him tonight." I conclude, folding the top of a box closed.


As I pull into Jake's driveway, he steps out the door. I park and get out of the car, hugging him. The two of us unpack my clothes into the dresser that has recently been moved from the guest room to our room. We choose to unpack the rest later.

Our eyes occasionally meet, sometimes our hands brush against one another's. It makes me feel like we're in high school again, studying together in the library.

I get a shower and get ready for bed, shaking the memories from my mind.

I walk in our room with a book and Jake looks up at me, eyes widening.


"Uh that... uhm, that's my shirt."

"Oh? Do you want me to change?"

"No! You look really fucking good in it. You wear it better than I ever could."

"Are you sure? I can change into one of mine if you'd like."

He rises from the bed, wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm very sure. Please don't change. You look amazing."

"Jake, do you like me for real or are you just playing it up for your parents?"

"I actually like you, Haewon. I always have."

"Maybe I should've told you that I feel the same way earlier."

His eyes widen, then his face forms a smile. He picks me up and spins me around, giggles erupting from the both of us as we flop on the bed.

"You know, from the moment I met you, I could've sworn sparks flew between us." he comments, staring at the ceiling.

"You're making me lactose intolerant with how cheesy you're being." I laugh and he embraces me in his arms.

We sit up, faces dangerously close together. Our gazes lock onto each other's lips, only breaking to meet each other's eyes.



"Can I k-"

I don't let him finish the question, I grab the collar of his shirt and smash his lips into mine.

They move in a rhythm, our lips, like they were always meant for each other. It creates its own mystical song. I'm pulled closer by him, landing in his lap. My fingers twist themselves in his soft hair. He gently bites on my lip, inserting his tongue into my mouth, pulling mine into a dance with his. He lays me on the bed, one hand on the back of my neck, one firmly on my hip. He breaks away, our heavy breathing becoming synced.

We smile, our foreheads leaning against one another's.

"We should rest, we meet with the wedding planner tomorrow." he recommends, rubbing circles on my cheek with his thumb.

"As long as I get a goodnight kiss." I joke, giggling.

He connects our lips in a soft kiss, backing away after.

"Goodnight, sleep well." he says, laying beside me, wrapping his arms around me.

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