six - senioritis

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I was in the library again, this time not searching for a book for class, just one to read for fun

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I was in the library again, this time not searching for a book for class, just one to read for fun.

"Ivy!" Jake shouts, running to me in his uniform. I turn around to meet his gaze.

"Shouldn't you be saving your energy for the game?" I ask, tilting my head a little as I look at him. He smiles at me a little before speaking again.

"Will you come to my game?" he requests, clasping his hands together in front of me.

"No, I can't take photos, someone else is."

"That's not it, I want you to come watch my game." he replies, taking my hands in his, rubbing circles on the back of them with his thumb.

"Oh... why?"

"Because last year after you stopped coming to the games, we started losing."


"Haewon, you're my lucky charm. I don't just want you there to watch me play, or to cheer me on. I also want you there because you help us win."

There he goes, using my own name to flare up the butterflies in my stomach. It works every time, I can't help but to smile at him.

"Jake, that's such a bunch of bologna, I would not help you guys win."

"Fine, if you don't believe me then I guess I'll have to prove you wrong." he says, picking me up bridal style and walking out of the library with me in his arms and my stuff on his back.

We get to the school parking lot and he unlocks his car, setting me down in it as well as my stuff.

"I'll drive you to dinner and then I'll take you home after the game, deal?" he asks, but I can't really pay attention due to his face being in close proximity to mine.

"Ivy?" he questions, snapping me out of it.


He picks me up out of the car again, the same way as before.

We arrive at the field just as the team is starting to warm up.

"Everyone, come here!" Jake calls out to the team.

"This is part of our new strategy. Her name is Ivy and if we win tonight, she is officially our lucky charm. Therefore she has to come to every game after this if we win tonight." he starts once the team has gathered around him.

Once he's done, Ethan and Chris give each other a look.

I cheer on Jake as he plays. Everytime he scores, he looks over excitedly at me.

He's really fucking cute when he does that.

We end up winning the game, meaning I have to tag along with the team wherever they go, the entire season.

On senior night, I walked Jake down the field.

I traveled with them all across Australia. That was historically our best boys soccer season. And Jake always refused to give himself any credit, giving it all to me for being his "lucky charm". Even though he was the one who scored the most goals.

And now here we are. Just signed a marriage contract. Our parents just left, but Jake decided to stay behind with me.

"So how's my lucky charm been?"

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