onze - dress

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Today is the day I go shopping for my wedding dress

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Today is the day I go shopping for my wedding dress. It's been about four months or so since Jake and I first signed the contract.

I walk into the dress store with all of my bridesmaids and my maid of honor, as well as Felix. I decided on a princess cut wedding dress, then a sage green dress or a bodysuit for the after party.

As we start looking through the dresses, I hear the bell to the door open.

"Haewon, where are you?" I hear my mother call out, wincing.

"Excuse me, ma'am. May I help you?" the worker asks her, simply trying to help.

"No, please get out of my way."

"Mother, I told you that I didn't want you to come dress shopping with me."

"Yes but don't I get a say in what you're picking out?"

"No, Mother. It's my wedding. I am marrying Jake because I have loved him for a very long time and he has felt the same about me. I am not getting married for you and he is not getting married for his parents. If you continue with this behavior you will be uninvited to the wedding. I'm tired of you hiring people to watch me so you can figure out where I'm going next. I know that's how you found me today." I snarl at her.

"I am your mother and I will be involved when I want to."

"No, you won't. You've hurt her enough. Leave." I hear a voice say from behind her, a smile coming to my face, knowing exactly who it is.

My mother spins around, revealing Jake.

"You heard him, Mother. Leave." I speak up and Jake makes his way over to me.

"Your marriage will fail."

"Shut the fuck up and stop projecting you bitter old hag."

My mother finally leaves the store, to my relief. I turn and peck Jake on the lips.

"I'm glad you could finally make it, Love. Now get in there for your suit fitting." I say, pausing between the two sentences, shoving him towards the men's section. He sneaks in another peck before he leaves for his fitting.

I hear giggling from behind the racks, from my bridesmaids and maid of honor, only noticing Felix from his blindly shuffling around due to being buried in wedding dresses.

I take them all, trying them on one by one.

It was only a few dresses in when I found it. It was a beautiful dress, with long lacey sleeves. The breasts were covered, but the stomach was exposed, only covered by lace. It was off the shoulder, showing off my collar bones.

Felix goes and fetches Jake, as I continue to admire myself in the mirror.

"Holy. Fucking. Hell." Jake states, shocked beyond belief. He stares at me in awe through the mirror.

"Ivy, you're the most stunning woman I've ever seen. I can't wait to marry you." he whispers, pulling me in for a soft kiss.

"You're not too bad yourself." I reply smiling up at him.

"Break it off lovebirds, I might puke." Felix comments, looking like a cat when it gags.

(Author's note: If you have never seen a cat gag I BEG YOU TO LOOK IT UP)

We giggle sheepishly together for a moment before parting ways.

"I definitely want this dress." I say, turning to Felix and my bridesmaids.

"Oh, thank god, I need coffee." Jen comments before Lily and Hanni help me get out of the dress in the changing room.


"So what should we plan next?" Danielle asks, taking my arm in hers.

"Uh, I mean, I don't really want one of those big bachelorette parties with like a male stripper or anything. I just want us all to get together and to celebrate." I recommend, noting that we'd only have to buy a few things for the party.

It's the beginning of November now, and the wedding is in January. Today is just a day for me to relax and go shopping with everyone. I'm also on a mission to find Jake a birthday gift. I already have everything set up for my wedding gift to him, which Felix helped me with.

I spot a soccer store, noticing that they have Jake's favorite team's jersey. I quickly buy it, just having them wrap it at the store. We walk past a jewelry store when I spot something else.

Jake is not a very traditionally masculine man, I know that he wears bracelets, not just the "manly" cord bracelet type but also the really nice looking type. So when I found some simple gold and silver matching bracelets, I knew we had to have them. It would look nice with all the suits he wears, and he just looks really good in that kind of jewelry.

I pay for it and have it wrapped at the store too.

I bring all my gifts home, storing them in my nightstand drawer.

I really hope he'll like them.

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