dix - ring

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Jake Pov:
I decide to choose Ivy's ring today, while I'm out having lunch with Ethan and Chris. I still want her to have an engagement ring, so I decided to get it after I knew her ring finger size, which I wrote down after we went to choose our wedding bands the other day.

"Dude I can't believe that you and Ivy have finally gotten together." Ethan said, still shocked at the news.

"No, me too. After you've liked her for so long." Chris adds.

"Is it really that shocking?" I turn around and ask.

"Yeah, I would've thought after these years of being apart you'd move on." Ethan responds.

"I never stopped adoring her. I would've never guessed she felt the same about me. Just like I would've never guessed my parents would have such good taste when it came to choosing who they were going to force me to marry." I remark, opening the door to the jewelry store.

I look all around the store while Chris and Ethan mess around. Until one specific ring catches my eye. Its band is one of flowers engraved in gold, their centers filled with small green gems, Ivy's favorite color.

I call over a worker to see if they have a ring that's her size in stock. They don't, but he said he'd order it for me and email me when it arrived.

I take a photo of the ring, moving to where Ethan and Chris are doing whatever shenanigans. They thankfully approve.

A month later, the ring comes in and I go to pick it up after work, getting some flowers on the way home.

"Angel?!" I shout as I open the door, hiding the flowers behind my back, the ring residing in my pocket, "I'm home!"

I have takeout in one hand, setting it down on the coffee table. Ivy comes racing down the stairs, jumping into my arms, causing me to laugh.

I hold the flowers to her, which causes her to smile. She goes to the kitchen to grab a vase and put them in water, while I unpack our dinner. I anxiously feel my pocket for the ring, which is still there. I do that a few times as we eat our dinner. Once we're done, Ivy takes the trash to the kitchen to throw away and I thank her as she leaves.

I feel for the ring in my pocket for a final time, knowing that when she returns will be the time that I propose.

When she walks back into the room, I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"Hey Ivy..." I start, trailing off. She turns to me to let me know she's listening.

"I, uh, got something for you."

"What? What for?" she asks before watching me slowly lower myself to the ground, sinking to one knee. Her eyes go wide, a smile appearing after.

"Haewon, you know I've loved you since I was 14 years old. I'm now 22, and I don't want us to get married by the force of our parents' hands. I want us to get married because we love each other and have for a long time. So, will you marry me?"

Ivy Pov:
"Yes Jaeyun I would love to marry you." I respond and he giddily slides the ring on my finger.

Our lips meet, an intense melody playing through my head when they do. Our tongues slide against one another, my fingers wrap themselves up in his hair. He lifts me up by my thighs, his hands resting on my ass. I smile as he walks us up the stairs, to our bedroom. Right as he closes the door, he pushes my back against the wall. I begin unbuttoning his shirt, taking it off of him to expose his well built torso. I take off my own shirt, smiling again as our lips meet once more, continuing our own symphony that we've created.

We move to the bed, where Jake asks if I'm sure about this. I just aggressively nod, beginning to undo his pants. He steps out of them, now just in his briefs. He walks to his night stand, opening a drawer and pulling out a condom.

"You're really, really sure about this?"

"Yes. I'm very sure." I say, placing my index and middle fingers under his chin.

His face is now dressed with a smirk, which makes him look fine as hell. He takes off my pants, standing for a moment to look at me, almost fully bare. He takes off his briefs. I sit up and he leans forward, his chin resting on my shoulder as he unfastens my bra. His hands trail down my sides, sliding my underwear off my body. He opens the condom, ripping the package open with his teeth. He puts it on, asking me again if I was sure before he put it in. He starts slow, gaining speed as we went.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted this." he says between his grunting.

"Oh I do, my love." I squeeze his cheek between my fingers, sending a wink at him.

He starts speeding up, getting rougher.

I lose more and more control of how much noise I'm making from this all.

I finish right after he does. He throws away the condom, drying himself off with the towel, then he hands it over to me. I do the same and toss it in the hamper.

I walk over to his closet, taking out one of his t-shirts and putting it on, my underwear after.

"Are you trying for round 2, Angel?" he asks, wrapping his arms around my waist, his chin resting on my shoulder, trailing kisses from my collarbone to the jawline.

"I know you wouldn't mind." I remark, moving aside the comforter on the bed, holding it up for him to join me.

He lays on my chest, wrapping his arms around me.

"Yeah, I wouldn't."

The last thing I remember before I fell asleep was Jake drawing hearts on my chest, between my boobs.

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