Part 7

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"What happened? Is she...?" I can't bring myself to finish my question as a tight knot grows in my stomach. Thoughts race through my mind as I come up with hundreds of different things that could be wrong.

"She's out of surgery."

"She is?"

"Yeah, Hotch is talking to the surgeon now."

I don't let JJ say anything else. I start to run back to the waiting area to see Hotch shaking the hand of a man in blood covered scrubs. "What happened?" I ask as I reach Hotch, "Is Alannah ok?"

"They managed to stop the bleeding, her heart did stop but they got it started again. She's still critical but they're hopeful that she'll make a full recovery." Hotch tells me the news.

"She's gonna be ok?" I ask unsure if I heard what Hotch actually said or what I wanted him to say.

"There's still a long way for her to go, but as I said, the doctors are hopeful."

I break down in tears at Hotch's words. I didn't think I had any tears left, but these were tears of relieve. "Oh come here." Garcia says sweetly as she pulls me into a warm hug.

"There's something else." I look up at Hotch, wondering what else there could be. "I don't know how it happened, but the baby survived as well."

I stare at Hotch while I try to process his words. "Alannah is still pregnant?" I ask, needing to hear confirmation again.

"Yes she is." Hotch says with a weak smile.

"The kid is a fighter just like it's mum." Morgan jokes.

"I hate to be the one to ask, but do you know if the baby is yours or Alan's?" Rossi brings up the topic I hadn't even thought about but I knew I should have.

"I don't know, I just found out before we all left the station, I found the test in her bag it said she was one to two weeks." I admit to the team.

"I'm surprised it survived being so young." Kate's words mirror my thoughts.

"So could it be yours?" Morgan asks.

"There's a chance."  I don't know when the last time she and Alan..." I can't bring myself to say the words, I hate the thought of it, she deserves better. "I can't say for sure without talking to Alannah first. Are we allowed to see her?"

"The doctor said one at a time so I thought you might want to go in first." Hotch says, "We're going to have to tell Alan if you want to keep pretenses up, but I thought we could give you a bit of time on your own with her first."

"Thanks Hotch."

"No problem, go be with her."

I give Hotch a weak smile before making my way over to a nurse. "Hi, I was told I could see Alannah McKay."

"Of course sir, follow me." I follow the woman through double doors and down a corridor to the ICU. "She's still very sick but we're doing our best and we're positive that she will make a full recovery."

"What about the baby?" I can't help but ask, I had the news from Hotch but I need to hear it again.

"It's shocking, but it's holding in there, he or she will be a little fighter when it gets here."

I can't help but smile at the thought. I know there's still such a long way to go, Alannah has to get better, that's the main priority. But once she is better this baby might give her the courage to leave Alan. Maybe the life we talked about was possible, I just wonder how big of a fight we have on our hands first.


"Where the hell am I now?" I ask myself as I stand in yet another beaming white corridor.

"So how long will it take Alannah to recover?" I hear Spencer's voice but I can't see him.

"It's hard to say, it'll will take a while." I hear a woman's voice but I don't recognise it. I walk around the corner towards where I heard Spencer's voice coming from. I see him standing outside a room with a nurse. I go over to where they were standing to see what they were looking at. I look through the window they were looking through to see me lying in a bed with tubes and wires connected from me to beeping machines.

"And you're sure the baby is ok?" Spencer asks.

"The baby should be fine, we have no way of knowing at this early stage since she's only about two weeks gone but the bullet missed her womb and the little fighter held in through all of the trauma." I can't help but smile at the nurse's reply, two week's meant it was definitely Spencer's. I look towards Spencer to see tears rolling down his cheeks but a weak smile painted across his face. "I'll leave you to it, when you're ready you can go in to see her." The nurse says as she places a reassuring hand on Spencer's hand before leaving him to be alone.

Spencer stands there looking in at me for about five minutes before he works up the courage to go into the room. I run in after him while the door was open so I could be with him. Spencer stands at the door for a few moments before slowly walking over to my bedside, he slowly reaches his hand out until his fingers gently touch the back of my hand. He's being so gentle, as if he's scared my hand will shatter if he touches it. Although once he feels my skin he lifts my hand in his before falling to his knees in tears. He presses his lips to the back of my hand as he cries. I kneel down beside him and wrap my hand on his not that he could feel me but I just needed to touch him. With any luck this was it, our last battle before we could be together at last.

Chasing Happiness: Volume 2: Yours Always (Criminal Minds: Spencer Reid Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now