Part 12

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Two days stuck in this place is enough to put me back into a coma; luckily the doctors are happy with my recovery and are letting me go home in about two more days. I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing.

The team have been back and forth from the hospital to the office. I kinda feel bad that they have felt like they had to come and see me, they all have their own things on and they still haven't finished this case yet. The case has gone cold, no more leads have shown up. Cruz is threatening to take the BAU off the case if they can't find any more leads in the next day so they're all under pressure.

Alan has been around to see me a few times, although he was sent on yet another training exercise out of state; all thanks to a little Miss Garcia. She loves sending him away for a while then getting me to meet up with Spencer. It's like her favorite thing to set up. This time it was so I could settle in at home without having to worry about Alan getting angry and abusing me, or worse, Alan finding out that I'm having Spencer's baby.

It's almost time for visitors; I can't wait to see Spencer. He came up yesterday but Alan came to see me before he left for his training course so Alan wouldn't let Spencer stay for very long. It still hasn't really sunk in that I'm having Spencer's baby. Even harder to believe that the little one is still holding on after everything that has happened.

I can't help but imagine a life with Spencer and our baby, we could get married, get a nice house together with a garden for our child. Maybe have another one or two kids. We could have a wonderful life together but Alan was still there like a wall keeping Spencer and I apart and away from the life we really wanted.

"Knock, knock." Comes that cheerful voice from the door. I turn to see Spencer standing there with a big smile on his face.

"Hey." I feel a smile growing on my face at the sight of him.

"How are you feeling today?" He asks as he walks over to my bed.

"Bored mostly, I can't wait to get out of here" I sigh in frustration at being cooped up for so long.

"You'll be home soon." Spencer says with a smile on his face.

"How's the case going?" I ask, wanting to be distracted from all things medical related.

"Still no leads, it looks like it's gonna go unsolved." Spencer sounds frustrated, I'm sure the whole team are annoyed.

"Maybe I could look at the files; a pair of fresh eyes might help."

I give Spencer the puppy dog eyes to try and convince him to let me look at the files. "You're meant to be resting." Spencer tries to argue back but the smirk on his face as he walks over towards my bed tells me it won't take long for him to give in.

"Yeah but there's only so much rest a genius can take before their brain turns to mush. You know that as well as I do."

"How do you know I have the files with me?"

"Because you always carry a copy of of the files belonging to the cases you're working on with you."

"You know me too well." Spencer laughs as he takes the case files out of his bag.

"Yay." I laugh as Spencer hands me the files. I start to flick through the pages. Victims around the same age as myself, brunette and European. "Wow, it's kinda creepy when you match a serial killers victimology. The European bit is bugging me, it's a very specific type."

"There's no DNA at the scene and nothing to tie these killings to anyone. All of the women had or were on their way to high powered jobs but none of them overlapped with each other."

Chasing Happiness: Volume 2: Yours Always (Criminal Minds: Spencer Reid Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now