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Sumbul's exams were going on and her parents were going to attend someone's wedding in Delhi. She was very worried about her final exam and could not ignore that exam.

So Sumbul did not go to the wedding and his parents went away, it was going to take them 4 days.

When sum's parents used to go from Mumbai for some work, Sum often stayed at home, so staying alone at home was not a new thing for Smm.

Whenever Sumbul's parents were not home, Fahmaan used to stay at Sum's house every time and he used to sleep there.

Today was Sumbul's last exam and it was raining a lot. She came after giving the exam, changed her uniform and got drenched in the rain in the garden of her house.

Sumbul liked the rain very much or she liked playing and dancing in the rain but she had a problem that she suffer the rain more than she enjoyed it.

After getting wet in the rain, she used to get fever and cold. And Fahman knew this and he never allowed her to go out of the house even in the rain. Today was the exam so he was allowed to go to school.

At this time, Fahmaan was so busy with his work that he could not come to the house right now. He came to her house in the evening. Fahmaan had come all the way from his home for dinner for Sumbul.

Sumbul has fun in the rain and quickly wears dry clothes or dries her hair with a hair dryer so that it does not give the impression that she is enjoying in the rain.

Now sum was finished her exam, Today she was free, she didn't have to cook food.Because no one allowed Sum to come into the kitchen.Fahman was about to bring food from his home.Sum was waiting for him Till he was not coming, Sum was sitting in the hall watching TV.
Sumbul was feeling feverish.


Mother, do it quickly. How late are you? Sumbul will be hungry Do you know that she doesn't cook food or whenever her parents are not home she has to get food from our house?Hurry up!

Fah mom,.:;;   Oh dear I am always on time You are the one who is in a hurry to go today I am coming, that's it

Mother comes out of the kitchen and gives tiffin to Fahmaan and says take this.go quickly now.
Then Fahmaan goes towards Sumbul's house.

Fahmaan goes inside Sum's house. And sees that Sum was sitting on the sofa wrapped in a blanket and watching TV.

Fahmaan said, Hey baby, sorry, I was a little late.

Sum,.:;; Oh Hey Fahmaan, no, you have come on time, you are not late.

Fah,.:;;   Ok Let's have dinner.

Both of them go to the dining table and start having dinner. Fahmaan asks Shum Today was your last exam, how was it?

Sum,.:;;   Yes, exams are over today. And not just today's, all the exams have gone very well.

Fahmaan nods his head and says ok Then both of them have dinner and talk for a while.Both say good night to each other And both go to sleep in their respective rooms.

Whenever Fahmaan stayed at Shoom's house, he used to sleep in her guest room.It was his room and he always slept there at night.

Fahmaan had this habit from the beginning When he used to sleep at Sum's house So he used to go to see her late at night after Sum went to sleep.

Now it was 1 o'clock in the night and as usual, Sum had gone to sleep at this time.Fahmaan got up and went towards Shum's room to see her.

Fahmaan goes to Sum's room. Fahmaan sees that Sum was shivering due to cold.He went near her and started checking her temperature.Sum had a very high fever.Fahman quickly covers her with a blanket and turns one off.

Fahmaan wakes her up and gives her medicine and Sumbul falls asleep. Fahmaan takes care of her all night. And puts a cloth soaked in water on her forehead.

Fahman did not sleep the whole night and he kept taking care of Sumbul and for some time he was checking her temperature.




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