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Now Sumbul had passed school and now she had to go to college. don't even know how a year has passed Both of them used to go to each other's house to meet each other, everything changed but their friendship did not.

Both of them had grown up so much that they could take every decision of their life.And As per Fahmaan's decision, both of them will go to college and start their new life.

Both of them were having feelings for each other and were maintaining friendship without knowing each other.Neither of them had the courage to express their feelings to each other.
Now both their lives were about to change.


Baby, wake up now, you are so sleepy, it was fine till school, now you are going to college, now wake up on time.

Sumbul does not move at all Then Fahmaan wakes up after whispering loudly in her ear.And Sumbul quickly opens her eyes.

Sum,,.    How does this error arise? You have torn my eardrums and I will no longer be able to hear.

Fah,,,   Now if you sleep like Kumbhakarn then I will wake up like this, right?

Sum didn't say anything, just rolled her eyes.

Fah,..   Don't make such a strange face anymore. Today is the first day of college, so I have come to wake you up on time. I will not come from tomorrow. Don't say again that you did not wake you up.

Sum,..  ok ok Don't get angry now. From tomorrow I will wake up on time myself and set the alarm.

Fahmaan smiles looking at Sum and says ok its fine now .

Now quickly freshen up and get ready. Otherwise I will leave you home.

Sum,..   ok ok You know it doesn't take much time for me to get ready, I can get ready in just 2 minutes.

Fah, hmmm that's true but don't sit somewhere with a book.
Once you hold the book, you forget everything.

Sum,..  Ok Baba, I will not catch any book, it is not getting late now. Now you go and get ready

Fahmaan nods and returns home smiling.

After Fahman leaves, a smile appears on Shum's face and she thinks how caring my best friend is.How can I hide my love?I'm loving it more every day.

Then she does all her morning work with a smile.Then she quickly takes a shower and She was ready in five minutes and then she comes down to have breakfast.

After coming down, Sum first went to the temple of her house and took blessings of God.

Then she went to the dining table and wished her parents morning.The parents wished her and her mother gave her a glass of juice and breakfast.

Shoom had just finished breakfast and the sound of a horn started coming from outside.Sum's mother said Fahmaan,  has come now you  go quickly.

Sum said yes I am going otherwise he will not stop blowing the horn. and everyone starts laughing

Then Sum hugs her parents and they both bless her. Sum's father tells her to study well and fulfill your all dreams.

Sumbul nods her head yes.

Then she went out of her house and saw that Fahmaan was sitting in a car and  honking the horn.

Sum rolls her eyes. And goes to Fahmaan and gets stuck on his driving side.Sum said, now I am come, now stop blowing the horn, do you want to take someone else with you or do you want to take all the people with you?

Fah,.., why would I take everyone? And I was waiting for you, you were not coming early, that's why I was blowing the horn.
Come on, sit in the car quickly and don't delay.

Sum sits on the seat next to him and both of them start going to college.



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