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They meet at their base as planned.Everyone takes tea of ​​their choice and goes and sits in the garden. And enjoy hot tea.

Then Ruhanika said, everyone has come here, what will we do now?So Rakesh said, make a plane, what to do now?Ayesha says to go on a long drive. Sum says no, yrrr we can't go now, it's 8 o'clock. We will be late if we go now.Will we go on a long drive again? Let's go somewhere else today.

Ruhi asked where to go and what to do now.Decide quickly, don't waste time.

Rakesh said, how about the movie?Let's go watch a movie.The movie will start at 9 o'clock, let's go now and come back at 12 o'clock, what do you say?

Fahmaan said, this is a good idea, so what do you say girls, let's go.

All three girls said, we are ready to go, let's go.Fer Fahmaan takes everyone to the movie theater in his car.

Everyone was well prepared, there was no need to change clothes.So they all go straight to the movie.

They all reach the movie theatre. Everyone gets out of the car.And Fahmaan parks the car in the parking area.

Then everyone goes inside together and buys movie tickets.This movie was romantic. Everyone was very excited to see.

Everyone takes their cold drink and popcorn. And sit in own place.Everyone was sitting in the first row. Aish was on the first chair, Ruhi was on the 2nd, Rakesh was on the 3rd, Fahmaan was on the 4th and Sum was on the 5th last.

Everyone was watching the movie with enjoyment.The movie was very good and very romantic.

There was a romantic scene going on in the movie and after seeing it, sum started imagining herself and Fahmaan in it.

Sum was lost in her thoughts. Just then Fahmaan end  out of his popcorns. And he starts getting popcorn from Sum.

Fahmaan looks towards Sum and he sees that Sum is lost. Fahmaan smirk and holds Sum's hand and shakes it gently.

Sum comes out of her dream world into present life.And looks towards Fahmaan.

Fah,..   What happened, where are you lost?

Sum,..  nothing.

Fah,..   are you ok.

Sum.,..   Yes, I am fine, I had remembered something.

Fahmaan says ok and then both enjoy the movie.

Sumbul started thinking in her mind. What is happening to me? May was imagining herself and Fahmaan.Then she looks towards Fahmaan.Fahmaan was busy watching a movie.Sum would look at him and smile.

Then they all watch a movie and have dinner at a resort. It was already late at night so Rakesh drops Ruhi and Aish at their home.And Fahmaan and Sumbul go towards their home.

Fahmaan stops the car outside Shum's house.Then both of them say good night to each other and Fahmaan kisses Shum on the forehead. Shoom gets shy and then comes out of the car.Then Sum calls Fahmaan as Byyyy. So Fahmaan turns the car towards his house.Then she goes inside her house and goes straight to her room and lies on the bed.

While watching the movie, Sum had imagined himself and Fahmaan.She was thinking the same thing now.and was smiling And fell asleep smiling.




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