Chapter 1

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I woke up to the loud sound of my phone ringing beside me, I felt a heavy weight around my stomach holding me down and looked down to see JJ's arm wrapped tightly around my stomach holding me close to him as he slept. I wriggled out of his grip and went into the lounge room to see who was calling this early in the morning, hoping it would be about my brother. 

I looked down to see a familiar name 'Cheryl DCS'. John B and I finally got DCS off our backs when Ward Cameron became our legal guardian however it has been 3 months since Ward withdrew his application for guardianship and John B disappeared and now I am on my own again trying to delay DCS taking me into foster care. I ignored the call as I have ignored every call for the last three months and put my phone in my pocket and headed outside. 

The Chateau is different without John B, it's quiet and empty. JJ has practically moved in since John B left and since his dad was arrested, we were both left alone and needed to look after each other but I feel like he looks after me more than I look after him. I still feel so lost since John B disappeared, the feeling of the unknown is a scary feeling and I just want to know if he is alive. I have flash backs of when my dad was lost at sea, everyone told us he was dead and I believed them but John B never did, and now, everyone is trying to tell me that John B and Sarah died the night of the storm but I don't believe it. He is my twin, I would know if he was dead, I would feel it. But I don't feel anything. 

"Hey girl, I come bearing gifts" Kie calls out as she walks down the dock to where I am sitting with my feet dangling in the water. She sits next to me and I smell my favourite burger from her parents restaurant before she hands it over to me. We sit in silence looking out at the water while we eat. 

"Pope and I came up with an idea last night, we know you don't want a big memorial or anything for John B but what if we did something small just us" Kie said, they have been asking me about a memorial for 2 months. 

"A memorial for what Kie? He isn't dead" I snapped back at her

"I know Sav, but just a little something. We could just have a beer and say our favourite memories of them"  

"Okay, but on one condition" I say while getting up and walking to John B's favourite spot. We had this huge tree in our yard which we used to carve our names in when we were younger, I smile when I see the messy 'JBR' 'SR' 'JM' that John B, JJ and I carved when we were around 10 years old. "I want to do a carving for them here" 

JJ headed out that afternoon with Pope to get some beer, weed and food while Kie and I got ready. When the boys got back to the Chateau we headed straight to the tree and JJ carved out a large love heart shape before burning in a tribute to both John B and Sarah. We spent the night laughing and remembering our best friends. Kie and Pope crash on the fold out sofa in the lounge room while JJ and I head into my room. 

"You doing okay?" He asks as he pulls me close and rubs his hand up and down my arm.

"Im glad we did this tonight, I don't want to move on but maybe I do need to start realising I might not see him again" I said as a tear slipped out "I don't think I could do this without you JJ. Thank you for being here for me"

"Always and forever little Routledge, you can't get rid of me" He lent down and gave me a soft and sweet kiss. I pulled him closer and we fell asleep the same way we have every night, in each others arms. 

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