Chapter 17

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The bonfire was an Outer Banks tradition. It was always on the same weekend every year and everyone went, I mean everyone. After finding a fortune and then losing it and everything else that happened this year, it felt good to be back to normal. We arrived and it was already mayhem, drinking, dancing and dirt bikes riding around everywhere. Kie and Pope walked off together while JJ had one arm on my shoulder and one arm on John B's as we made our way through all the people. John B is still talking about Sarah as someone hands him a beer. 

"JB, her father literally blew up right in front of her. Just give her a minute" I said stopping my brother.

"In the mean time, shotgun, right now" JJ says just before a beer gets thrown at us by a girl I recognised as the one who passed John B the note in class. 

"Well, that's you. We are out of here" JJ says to JB as he opens a beer and John B hit him in the balls. JJ and I wandered into the party more and started doing shotguns together and living like normal teenagers finally. I looked around and saw Sarah up on the higher level drinking with Topper. Maybe John B and Sarah are actually over, they are both with other people and looking happy. JJ and I were dancing amongst a group of people from school when I saw Sarah approach John B, so I grabbed JJ's hand and we walked over to them. 

We got there just as Topper came over also and the girl John B was with started telling Sarah to leave. The girl and Topper ended up arguing leaving John B and Sarah to talk. Topper came to interrupt which resulted in John B and Topper pushing each other wanting to start a fight. Sarah was pushing Topper away and I stood in front of John B pushing him back, trying to prevent the fight but then Kelce came and made everything worse. 

"She don't want you anymore bro. What are you going to do John B, kill me like you killed Sheriff Peterkin?" 

John B turned around so fast and there a punch that hit Kelce in the face which caused an all out fight. I was pushed aside and ended up near Sarah and we both tried to push through. The girl John B was talking to came over and pushed Sarah to the ground.

"Move bitch, what's your problem?" I pushed the girl back checked on Sarah.

"Hey, what the hell. Who's side are you on Savannah? You belong with us" She yelled back to me.

"She's my friend, back off" 

I saw JJ and Pope get involved in the fight and try and help John B, JJ pulled Topper off him by putting his arm around his neck. I left Sarah and went to help my brother and boyfriend.

"JJ, stop! He's not worth it" I yelled trying to pull them apart. Kelce pushed me backwards making me fall on the ground.

"Wrong move Kelce" JJ said before punching him.

Kie came over and helped me up and we all ran off from the fight and ran back to the Twinkie. We were all sitting inside as JJ walked over finishing a beer and leaning on the window next to me.

"Well that was a little unexpected" JJ said burping in my face. I put my hand on his face and pushed him away.

"Was it?" I asked honestly. 

"I have had more black eyes in the last month than I have ever had" Pope said holding a cold can to his eye as we sat around our fire at the Chateau having some food.

"Hey, did you really stick up for Sarah?" John B asked me as I sat behind him.

"Of course I did, she's not a real Kook" I said back and looked to JJ who was waving his hands around after burning himself. 

"I just want one bite" John B says before lifting up my food and eating half of it in one bite. "I thought we were gonna share" 

"Asshole, Kie bought me that. I'm stealing your marshmallows then" I grabbed the bag and walked over to JJ and sat with him as we both roasted marshmallows. We heard a rustle in the bushes meaning someone was here. Maybe Topper coming back for round 2?

"J, have you got your gun?" I whispered

"Oh, now she wants the gun" He said back "No, I don't have the gun" 

"Isn't that your secret weapon" I asked using my fingers to make a quote sign. 

Renfield, Limbreys guard dog showed his face and I think I would've preferred the Kooks. He told us he had a group of bow hunters from the Army with him and whistled just before an arrow flew through the rope holding up the swing right next to JJ. JJ held up his stick ready to hit Renfield before another arrow landed right at his feet. He threatened all of us and Pope argued with him not wanting to hand over the key but  Pope ended up handing it over to protect all of us. Renfield left with the key and whistled to his friends to leave with him.

Pope swore and kicked the ground before running off and leaving us behind.  We put the fire out and packed up before all heading to bed. At least we felt like teenagers again for a while tonight, before shit went down yet again. 

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