Chapter 2

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In the morning JJ and I head to the Country Club where we both work, JJ has worked as a bus boy here for about a year and helped me get a job after John B left so I had some money to survive. I work as a floater which means that I am in a different area most days and go where needed, but today both JJ and I are in the main restaurant area and I am working as a waitress. We send each other flirty smiles and winks when we can and enjoy being around each other. Since John B left, JJ has become even more protective so I know he is happy we are working together today so he can see me and know where I am. I am taking the order of a family of 4 when I hear Topper, Kelce and some other Kooks start talking from the table next to me.

"John B, got what was coming to him and it saved them the expense of a trial" One of the girls said just as JJ walked past, we both looked at each other and I don't know who was closer to breaking.

"Guys they are still investigating" Topper said to the group, noticing JJ come over to his table to refill their glasses, whilst the rest of the group remained oblivious.

"Yeah, I don't know why. It's obvious who did it" The same girl said again, I took deep breaths trying to bite my tongue when I heard JJ yell at the group to shut up and slam the water jug on the table.

"JJ, just walk away. It's not the time" I heard Topper say to JJ as I walked over to him and pushed Toppers hand off JJ's chest. JJ picked up the water glass on the table and started hitting a fork against it to get everyones attention.

"Can I have everybody's attention, please? I have a little announcement to make" Everyone in the restaurant was now looking at him, including our managers.

"My best friend, John B, did not kill Sheriff Peterkin, Rafe Cameron killed and shot the Sheriff in cold blood" The restaurant guests all scoffed and rolled their eyes at JJ.

"Wow" Kelce rubbed his hands on his face.

"Is that so hard for you to believe Kelce?" I said from behind him. As I spoke JJ walked over to my side of the table and stood in front of me protectively as Kelce stood up to our level.

"It is actually hard for me to believe, Savannah. It's always the kooks fault, it's never the pouges fault" I snapped at his comment and picked up the water jug that JJ put on the table and threw the water at Kelce, soaking him. He lunged forward but JJ stopped him getting to me which caused JJ and Kelce to get into a fight in the middle of the restaurant and to my surprise Topper jumped in and pulled the two apart.

"JJ" I heard our manager Raz call out, as I look at JJ he is un-doing his apron and pushed it into Raz's chest.

"Yeah I know, Raz, I'm fired" JJ starts walking out of the restaurant before I call out to him to wait. He turns around breathing heavily and rubbing his chest, something I have noticed him doing a lot recently.

"Savannah, if you don't apologise to these guests and return to your station you will be fired too" Raz looks at me with a serious look. I turn back to Kelce and do my best fake smile and pick up the water jug on the table next to me and stop in front of the girl in the yellow dress.

"I'm sorry miss, I forgot to re-fill your glass" I reached in front of her about to fill her glass before pulling my arm back and pouring the water all over her, leaving her hair and dress soaking wet. I grabbed JJ's hand and we walked out of the club and towards his bike.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked, noticing he was rubbing his chest again.

"Yeah, I just" He's breathing so deeply that he can't finish his sentence. He takes a deep breath before hugging me "I'm okay" he says with a kiss to my head.

"That's right, pouges, get the hell outta here" Raz and two other managers yell from the deck, as JJ gets the bike started and we both turn around and give them the finger and JJ runs his bike all through the garden ruining the landscaping.

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