Chapter 24

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We sat waiting for Pope's signal, all worried that something has gone wrong with the more time that passed. 

"Attention all passengers, all crew, report to the tween forward hull. That's an order. Repeat. All hands and all passengers report to the tween forward hull immediately" We heard over the PA. All looking at each other laughing, Pope actually did it. 

"Kie, you find Pope and Cleo. Sav and I will lock them in the hull once they are in there" JJ said to prepare us for the plan.

"I'll get Sarah and get the lifeboat" John B nodded and we jumped out the window, JJ went first and helped me down. 

"JJ, you do not leave her" John B said seriously, pointing at me. 

"As if I would, let's roll" JJ said and we all ran to where we needed to be. JJ and I went into the boat and hid by the hull so we could see how many people were walking in. 

"Psst. How many?" JJ whispered from the other side, I held up three fingers, JJ then put up 6 fingers to count how many had gone in already. I heard Rafe, Wheezie and Rose walk into the hull too, feeling relief that Rafe would be trapped soon. 

"That's all of the crew" I whispered to JJ after counting the remaining people who went in.

"Except Ward, we need Ward" JJ said back. 

"We can't wait J" He shook his head unsure what to do before agreeing with me and we both ran in the hull and I grabbed the door and closed it before JJ put one arm on each side of me and I could see the muscles in his arms tensing as he pushed as hard as he could to get the door closed so I could lock it. We then realised there was another door and JJ ran with me right behind him to get the door shut before the crew got there first. 

We ran from the hull and met up with Pope, Kie and Cleo who were in charge of getting the cross. We made it to the cross and opened up the wooden box. 

"Here she is" JJ said before pulling the blankets off "Surf trip?" JJ looked at me smirking. I ran to him and hugged him, he picked me up and spun me around. 

"We actually did it J" I said as the roof above us opened and we saw Pope and Kie standing there. Making JJ and I even happier.

"That's what I'm talking about! Let's go" JJ fist pumped up to Pope.

"The time where people do shit to us and we just sit back and take it, is over" Pope said down to us. 

"Yeah it is" I yelled back "J, tie it up" I passed JJ a loose rope and we tied the cross and waited for Pope to lower the crane. 

"Take her up, Pope" JJ yelled up to Pope who was now in control of the crane. He was swinging the cross around and it was not stable, making JJ be pulled over by the rope. We were yelling at him to keep it in the middle as he took it up higher. 

"Let's go help John B load it up on the lifeboat" JJ said grabbing my hand and we ran through the boat to try and find John B. We rounded a corner and I checked if it was clear before we ran to the edge of the boat. JJ was looking into the water to look for John B that he didn't see the crew member come down the stairs holding a machete. 

"Uh J" I stopped, and JJ came in front of me. 

"Of course, there's more of you. Get down on your knees" He said to both of us, waving his machete.

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen" JJ lunged forward and was punching the man and yelling at me to go but I opened the door and hit the man with the metal door to  try and help JJ. I went over to the edge of the boat to see where John B was, he should be here by now. 

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