Chapter 15

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We pulled up at the Kildare surf shop to kill some time, Kie and Sarah went inside to get some drinks while I stayed in the car with the boys. 

"Remember when life was simple?" JJ asked us

"When was our life ever simple J" I replied from the back of the van

"Think about it guys, Ward is still out there and he has the gold" John B said to JJ before turning to me "He killed our dad Sav"

"John B, I know and we won't let that go" JJ said back to us "But I'm worried about you man"

"I agree with JJ, it feels like its either you or him right now" I said moving closer to them. 

"You know who else I'm worried about? Sarah" JJ says pointing at where Sarah and Kie are walking with their drinks. "I mean bro, it's her dad. You know what I'm saying?" JJ looked at John B

"She knows what he did" John B said before changing the topic. "So what's the deal with this Limbrey chick? Pope said she has evidence on tape that could put Ward away, right?"

"You know she did just try to kidnap Pope right?" I said to my brother

"We could put Ward away for good and finally get justice for our dad. This can all be over in one shot guys. I get it, it's dangerous"

"Good thing your best friend is JJ Maybank" JJ says with a smile making John B and say oh god at the same time. 

"I already have a plan" JJ smirked

"Hopefully it's better than the jail escape" I said leaning against the chair.

"This is my best yet" JJ said before telling us his plan, which is actually a very good one.

Kie and Sarah came back and we all drove back to pick Pope up. On the drive back to Heywards he told us about his conversation with his mee-maw and how he found out that he is actually related to Denmark Tanny. 

"I still can't believe you are related to Denmark Tanny" John B says as we are all sitting on Heyward's dock having a beer. "Are we in the presence of a royal?"

"A king! We shall crown him. All hail the lord of Tannyhill" JJ puts on a British accent and pretends to put a crown on Pope's head as we all bow. 

"Re-locate to Cat's ass, question mark?" I said to JJ and he agrees to my plan. We were all joking about moving into Pope's new mansion and how many bunk beds we would need till Pope started talking about the letter again. We are still unsure why that letter had the wheat symbol on it, it has to have something to do with the Royal Merchant. 

"Hey, if we find that cross, we can split it like we were going to split the gold, 6 ways?" I asked making my way over to JJ who was leaning against the dock, I lent on him and he put his arms around my waist as 2 more people joined us on the dock.

"And live happily ever after?" Ms Limbrey said to us as she walked closer.

"You assaulted my father" Pope said angrily as Limbrey's guard dog pushed him back. 

"Why would my employee assault your father? Thats absurd" Ms Limbrey said to Pope "We can keep negotiating, but the fact is that I want the key" Pope was then pushed back which made JJ stand in front of me protectively and I nodded at John B to start the plan. 

"It's Limbrey right? Is that right?" John B said holding up the key "Is this what you're looking for? Looking at the tide right now, I'd say it's about 20 feet deep out there" He now had the full attention of Ms Limbrey "So if I just threw it in the channel, the probability of you finding it again is slim to none. Wanna give it a shot?" John B pretending to get ready to throw the key. I saw Pope reach into his pocket to realise he still had the key and John B's key was a fake and Pope, Kie and Sarah made eye contact with me and I winked at them, our plan was working.

"Please don't do that" Limbrey begged

"Get him to back up" I said pointing to the man standing next to Pope.  Limbrey told him to back up and then moved over to Pope.

"As I have told you from the beginning, I am willing to be reasonable" Limbrey said and Pope looked to John B who nodded.

"I'll give you the key, but I want the tape" Pope said to Limbrey

"You don't have to do this Pope, this is your family" John B said to Pope, I sunk into JJ's chest to hide my laughter as he put his arm around my shoulder.

"It's about your dad. That's way more important" 

John B gave Pope the fake key and Limbrey's employee handed over the tape at the same time Pope gave Limbrey the key. They both left and John B came back over to JJ and I. 

"How long do you think we have until she realises she has your father's old key?" JJ said laughing 

"No more than 10 minutes" I said back just as Pope turned around.

"Who's idea was the fake key?" Pope said shocked.

John B put his arm over JJ's shoulders and I hugged him from the side.

"Should we tell him?" John B said making everyone realise it was JJ's idea.

"Wow, I'm impressed. Maybe you are good for something" Kie said from the esky

"Even a blind pig can find an acorn at times" JJ said

"What does that even mean J" I asked looking up at my boyfriend

"I actually don't know but I saw it on Reddit" I threw my hands around his neck and kissed him as everyone else was talking about taking the recording to Shoupe and finally taking Ward down.

"I'm so proud of you" I said to JJ as everyone walked to the car, I noticed Sarah staying behind looking upset. 

"You okay?" I said to Sarah who just gave me a small sad smile along with a nod as we walked to the car together. JJ was right earlier and I am worried about her too, even though she knows what her dad did, it's still her dad. I don't know how I would feel if I was in this situation.

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