Chapter 21

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When we opened the doors to the church a flock of birds flew and the place looked completely abandoned. John B leant on Pope and JJ as he walked up the stairs and we all started looking around the church for this cross. JJ has clearly been watching too many movies because he thinks there is a secret door or maybe we should play a certain chord on the organ and the ground is going to open up.

"This isn't an escape room J" I said patting his shoulder. 

We keep looking, Pope getting frustrated saying Denmark wouldn't send us on a goose chase but there was no where a seven foot solid gold cross could be hidden. Pope sat down in the chair and started looking around with the spyglass before spotting something on the roof. The structure of the building was in the shape of a cross. Pope started climbing the wall like he was Spiderman and we all tried to stop him because it wasn't safe. 

He starts hitting the beams and one is solid wood so he moves on to the next one, JJ spotted a giant wasp nest and told Pope to be careful and to not get stung. The beam under his foot was hollow so Sarah ran to get the crow bar from the Twinkie. She went to throw the crow bar up and we all moved out of the way incase it came flying back down towards us but Pope caught it. Pope used the crowbar and pulled the wood apart to revel the gold of the cross. We actually found it, it was here. We all jumped with excitement and hugged each other. The wasps started stinging Pope from his fast movements and he fell from the beam, holding on with just his hands so we all ran to get the cushions to break his fall so he could let go. When he fell he landed on the cushions thankfully in a cloud of dust. We were all leaning over him making sure he was okay when he opened his eyes wide and we all looked up to see the cross falling from the roof. 

Pope needed a second to catch his breath so we all inspected the cross. It was beautiful, the detail was stunning and we found the key hole that Limbrey was talking about. 

"How much do you think this is worth? If we melted her old bones down, dude, I'm talking high billions" JJ said while looking at the cross.

"This belongs in a museum" John B said to JJ who didn't like that answer

"What? So no one sees her?" JJ asked back and they started arguing before Pope broke it up. We needed to get the cross out of there before Limbrey found out it was here. Issue was, it was very heavy. We all grabbed it where we could and used all our strength to just pick it up. Pope was struggling the most and dropped his end before falling onto the wooden pew. 

"You almost dropped it on my foot" JJ said to me as I was behind him

"What? How was that my fault?" 

We looked over to Pope who wasn't doing okay, his eye was all puffy and he was gasping for breath. Everyone started rushing to help Pope and to get him to the truck as he was having an allergic reaction.

"JJ, Sav, hide the cross" John B called back to us, JJ and I scrambled to hide it the best we could but didn't do a very good job since we couldn't move it on our own. JJ said he knew where to go to help Pope so we all filed into the truck and JJ started driving. I kept my hand on his wrist to check his pulse the whole drive.

JJ ran out of the car the second we pulled up to his Uncle Ricky's. He wouldn't answer the door to JJ since he was still mad at JJ for stealing his ambulance, we started screaming that Pope couldn't breathe and the paramedic in him opened the door to help. He ran off to find his kit and JJ followed behind to help, Kie stood over Pope with her hands on his face. 

"Here's the thing. This is a paediatric  dose of epinephrine" Ricky says to us "It is ten times a normal dose, so if it doesn't stop his heart it will help him. But I am going to use the whole thing or it won't work, I am not going down if he dies" He looks to us, but we were all so scared. JJ told Ricky to just do it and then we all just had to wait and see if he woke up. 

After a few terrifying minutes and Kie yelling that Ricky killed him, Pope took a deep breath and sat up coughing. He took his jacket off and started running around the front yard. Pope insisted on driving back to the church and threatened to rip our ears off so we let him. We were all regretting that decision as Pope was speeding along the road, Kie in the front and John B, Sarah, JJ and I in the back. Pope turned around to talk to us and swerved onto the other side of the road making us all yell at him. 

"Pope, I don't know if you have noticed but there's these giant oak trees all along the road" John B yelled just as Pope went to pass the car in front of us but there was another car coming on the opposite side of the road. I felt JJ hold me tight on his lap, bracing me if we were to crash. 

"We won't get to the cross if we are dead Pope" I shouted to him.

"We're not gonna die, it's our right to get that cross" Pope said turning to look at me, JJ yelled at him to look at the road and Pope swerved the car and ended up spinning out of control. JJ pulled me tight and braced me for the impact as we crashed into a tree right on our side of the truck. 

"Is everyone okay?" John B said to all of us and we all muttered a yes back. 

"That is the last time you drive Pope" JJ said as we got out of the car. 

"My dad's truck, no!" Kie yelled "My parents are gonna kill me for real this time" She was so upset.

"Yeah, well, weren't they already gonna do that anyway?" JJ said back, not helpful at all. 

Pope then decided he was going to walk back to the church, he ran off almost getting hit but a truck on the way but John B was there to stop him. That's when we noticed in that truck was Renfield and Rafe. We all started running, hoping they didn't find the cross but when we got there we knew they had found it, it was gone. JJ was kicking the cushions angry we didn't hide it properly but we did what we could. Sarah and JJ were arguing with each other, JJ wanting to blow Limbrey up which sounds like his usual type of plan. Pope stood at the front of the church and told us he was done of the whole Limbrey vs Tanny situation and demanded he goes to get the cross. Of course we are going to help him, we all followed him out and into the Twinkie. 

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