Chapter 16

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We drove straight to Shoupes office and he would only let John B and I come into the room with him so the others went back to the Chateau and waited for us there. 

We sat in the interrogation room and played the recording of Gavin explaining everything he saw on the tarmac that day and he was saying how he was scared of Ward and if anything ever happened to him, to look into Ward. 

"I told you Shoupe. Ward killed our father and Rafe killed Peterkin" John B said as Shoupe looked up to us.

"And he killed Gavin, I told you that when it happened and you didn't believe me" I added on

"Kids, I know. I already know" He looked at us sympathetically. "Ward Cameron will be arrested" 

John B and I left the station and hugged each other. This was finally over. We made our way home and saw everyone sitting on the porch, when they saw us they instantly asked us what happened and we filled them in. We were all happy and drinking and mucking around when I noticed Sarah looking upset so I went to join her and Kie on the couch.

"Do you regret it?" I asked Sarah

"No Sav, I don't. He deserves all of it, I know that" 

"He's your dad, I get it. I can't imagine how it feels to be stuck in the middle" 

Sarah's phone rings and I saw Toppers name before she excused herself to answer the call. She came back soon after to tell us she needed to get home and that her father was about to be arrested. We all ran to the Twinkie and drove straight to the Cameron's. Flashing lights and multiple police cars over take us on the way.

"Can you please hurry? I need to be there for Wheezie" Sarah yells to John B who was driving.

"You think I want to miss this?" John B says back to her.

We pull up and all run out of the van and over to the large concrete fence, we try to see over but we can't fully see. John B is the first one to jump the fence to get a better view. JJ kneels down and gives us three girls a boost over before jumping over himself. Sarah ran straight to Wheezie and told her to go back inside while the rest of us all had eyes on the large number of police on the dock and Ward standing on his boat. 

Sarah ran down the dock and we all followed behind her, Shoupe let the officers clear the way so she could get to the boat. Hoping Sarah could talk him off the boat. Ward was loosing it, he was yelling at Sarah to leave and that he was sorry. He lifted the anchor and prepared to flee just as all of the police boats started filling up the Marsh and surrounding Ward. 

"Ward, this ain't gonna end the way you want it to! You don't need Sarah seeing this" Shoupe yelled as one last attempt to get Ward to surrender. 

Suddenly there was a massive explosion from the boat and we all stood back from the fire and flying debris, JJ tucked me under him protectively. We all stood back up in shock at what just happened, Sarah was starting to scream and cry which was to be expected but we were all frozen in shock to comfort her. Topper ran down the dock and reached her just as she fell to the ground. John B looked back to me, I understood from the look on his face that we had the same thought. The man that murdered our dad and who framed John B for murder just died and both of us would be lying if we said we weren't happy to see him gone. 

The next few days passed by like a blur, Sarah was home with her family grieving her dad. Ward confessed to killing our dad and killing Peterkin to get Rafe's name cleared so now Rafe was free again. 

Kie and Pope came over on the second day and we were  down on the dock fishing when Pope mentioned Ward for the first time since the explosion. 

"Never seen anyone blow themselves up like that" 

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