Chapter 13

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It was pouring with rain which reflected the depressing mood at the Chateau as we were all on the front porch trying to come up with some sort of plan. 

"I'm going to testify, under oath. I was there. I just need to get ahold of my sister" Sarah said making us all look at her. Kie and Pope were in a chair each, I was on the couch and JJ stood above me. 

"Wheezie is the only other person that knows Rafe wasn't home that day" Sarah said asking Kie for her phone. 

"Wheezie?" JJ said confused "Wheezie, yeah that will work"

"I got us into this mess, I am going to do my best to get us out" Sarah said before walking inside with the phone. 

"She's right about one thing. We gotta do something. Our boy is a PO-dub right now, okay? He's held captive by the enemy right now, maybe even scheduled for execution" JJ yelled making me cover my face with my hands, not wanting to think about John B being executed. 

"What's the plan? We kidnap Shoupe?" Kie said sarcastically. 

"Maybe, like, that isn't the worst idea" JJ shrugged making me roll my eyes at him.

"That's the worst idea I have ever heard J" I said without getting up before Sarah agreed from inside making JJ yell at her. 

"Pope we have been doing everything your way, how has that worked out?" JJ yelled at Pope now

"Okay, so what's your plan? You gonna storm a jail, guns a blazing?" Pope asked sarcastically. I didn't want to listen to their conversation anymore so I hid under my hands again and could hear Pope and JJ arguing about the plan. Pope is right, it's a terrible plan but JJ doesn't listen when he's angry or scared and he is both right now. 

"Fine man, sit in your comfy chair. Sav, you in?" JJ looked over at me.  

"I don't think it's a very good idea J, let's come up with another plan" I said sitting up and looking at him, but he was beyond listening. He was doing this plan whether I agreed or not. 

"Okay then do nothing. I'm gonna see what I can do. Make something happen. Even if I have to do it myself" JJ stormed off and got on his dirt bike. I know he didn't mean to get angry with me but it still hurt. I wasn't doing nothing, I just don't think his plan is going to work and now I am going to end up with both my brother and boyfriend in jail or dead. I walked into my room and curled up on my bed and cried myself to sleep yet again. 

Pope went to speak to his dad about the key, Kie went home to try and ask for money for a lawyer and Sarah was down on the dock just as upset as me. I was worried about John B and now JJ as well. Everything is falling apart. I must have fallen asleep again and woke up to the front door shutting, I jumped up hoping it was JJ but it was just Kie coming in with a bag of clothes. 

"Got room for another roommate?" Kie gave me a sad smile. 

"Of course, there is always room for you" I said giving her a hug. I went down to the dock to check on Sarah but she was gone, she never said goodbye so I am unsure where she has gone. I heard Kie and Pope talking in the lounge room before Kie came and told me they were going to grab some food and invited me to come, my stomach grumbled in response so I agreed to go with them. During our drive Kie got SOS message from JJ and the address wasn't far from where we were so we left our food and drove quickly to the address. 

Kie stopped her car right in front of an oncoming ambulance making them slam the breaks on, I looked around and saw JJ jump out of the ambulance and run across the car. Kie then drove off after apologising and we drove around the block before I saw JJ again and opened the back door for him to jump in. Once he was in he was breathing heavily and clearly panicked. 

"JJ, what the hell just happened?" I said to him, even though I was angry  with him, I was also very worried. 

"Look, I busted the wrong guy out of jail. Sue me. At least I was trying" JJ said not looking at us and looking out the window. 

"Why are you always doing such stupid shit?" Kie yelled at JJ.

"Kie" I said firmly, even though he was wrong he didn't deserve that right now.

"Well I'm going to end up in jail one day anyway so why does it matter?" JJ said sadly

"J? You okay?" I grabbed his hand, he ran his thumb on my hand like he always does. 

"Just a doozy of a day" He held my hand up and kissed the back of my hand and I moved over to cuddle against his chest. 

"I'm sorry I was an asshole to you today" He said kissing my head and I instantly forgave him. 

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