Chapter 10

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We drove through Charleston to find the Limbrey address and the houses in this are were massive, JJ made a comment about how they made our Kooks look like Pogues and we all couldn't help but agree. The houses were double the size of any house I have ever seen. Pope slowed the truck down and stopped outside a large house with a big metal fence with spikes on the top surrounding the property. 

"Talk about home security, are those spikes to keep people out?" JJ said looking at the fence

"That looks like slave quarters over there" I said pointing at a small building at the back of the property "I think the spikes were to keep people in, J"

We all got out of the truck and walked up to the front door, we knocked loudly and heard it echo throughout the whole house however no one was answering.

"Maybe we are too late, maybe no body is home" Kie said from next to me, making me knock again. Someone better be home, I need these answers. We suddenly heard the door open and a middle aged man poked his head out briefly and looked straight to Pope.

"You must be Pope" He said while opening the door fully "Ms. Limbrey was expecting you yesterday" 

"Oh, I'm sorry. My car broke down on the way up here" Pope said politely

"Carburettor blew up in the middle of nowheresville, sorry about that" JJ said not so politely.

The man continued to tell us that Ms Limbrey was upset we didn't show and that she wanted Pope here alone. Despite Pope and all of us refusing to be separated he wouldn't let Pope inside unless he was alone. 

"We're kind of a package deal, man" JJ says as a last resort not wanting to split up. 

"JJ. It's okay" Pope said turning back to JJ and I "Sav, I got this, I'll be good" I nodded and smiled back at him. I wish I was in there with him, but I trust Pope and I know he will do anything he needs to to help me clear John B's name. 

Kie, JJ and I went back to the truck, JJ sat behind the wheel keeping the truck running  while Kie sat in the back. We sat in silence, all anxious and wondering what was happening inside. I kept my eyes on the house the whole time whilst fiddling with my rings. 

"If Limbrey is legit, then Ward gets arrested and maybe Sarah gets the gold?" Kie broke the silence, just as Pope walked outside with the man from before and another women who must be Ms. Limbrey. The man had his hand on Pope's shoulder pushing him forward.

"That does not look voluntary" I said going to open my door before JJ put his hand on my shoulder telling me to hold on.

"They're going into the alley. We'll go around the back and meet them on the other side" JJ started the truck as I closed the door again before we pulled into the side street next to the house. We couldn't see him anymore and started to panic, Kie and I stayed looking out the window trying to get our eyes on Pope. 

"What if they went underground. In C.H.U.D when they took people down into the sewers, it would turn the humans into humanoids because of the radiation and then all of a sudden" JJ was rambling making Kie and I roll our eyes at him.

"JJ, focus, that doesn't make any sense" I said without looking at him and focusing on the window, but I still can't see Pope. We kept driving in what felt like circles before I spotted a fence that looked just like the one at the front of the Limbrey house. 

"Wait JJ, this looks familiar. Stop here" I said and got out the car. As soon as we were out of the truck we heard sounds of people fighting making us all look at each other and jump the fence. As soon as we were over we saw Pope and the man wrestling on the ground trying to get to a taser. JJ ran in front of Kie and I and kicked the taser to us which I picked up. The boys gave us a boost back over the fence and we all ran to the truck to escape. 

JJ was speeding through the streets when I noticed a car following us.

"J, I think he's following us" I said panicked and JJ turned down a one way street and was driving straight into another car when we all yelled at him to turn. He turned out of the street suddenly and almost hit two people crossing the road. I turned around and looked out the window as I could have sworn those two people looked familiar but JJ was driving too fast for me to see them properly. 

JJ kept driving as though he was in a movie and was swerving all over the road and taking random turns trying to lose him. He pulled down a small side street just as the engine made a noise and the car stopped. Kie and JJ were arguing about the mechanic as we all got our bags out the truck before noticing the car pull in behind us. 

"Go, go, go" JJ yelled grabbing my hand and we all ran as fast as we could to get away from him. As we ran down the street I could have sworn I heard my name being called out so I went to stop but JJ grabbed my hand and urged me to keep running. 

We ran down an alleyway and JJ ran straight into a postman who dropped all of his packages as we all yelled out a sorry. We continued to run, running out of breath I was slowing down but JJ was yelling at us all to keep up and to keep running. We ran out of the alleyway and straight into someone riding a bike. We all stopped and looked up, locking eyes with John B and Sarah. Pope and Kie looked shocked and JJ blinked twice as if to see if he was dreaming and I could already feel the tears in my eyes. 

"Get in, get in" John B yelled at us, Kie and I jumped into the chair attached to the back of the bike where Sarah was sitting while JJ and Pope pushed the cart from the back to help John B. Kie and I hugged Sarah so tight while the boys were all yelling to go faster. Pope tripped over and the man almost got him but Kie pulled him closer to us and JJ and Pope jumped onto the cart as we gained speed downhill and escaped them. 

John B stopped the bike at the water where they had a boat docked. As we got off the bike I went straight to John B and punched his arm.

"I am so mad at you" I said before wrapping my arms around him so tight and we stood there for a few minutes in complete silence just hugging each other.

"I told you I would come back Sav" John B said holding me to him. We then got in the boat with the others and John B started driving the boat home to the OBX. We were all laughing and happy to see each other again, I was sitting on JJ's lap with his arms around my waist and I looked over at my brother who was smiling and happy and everything was exactly how it should be and I will never let him leave again. 

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