Chapter 4

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We tried to stay at school after getting the messages but none of us were able to focus after learning that John B and Sarah were alive. We have more important things to worry about now and that is clearing John B's name so my brother can finally come home. We headed to Kie's families restaurant The Wreck straight after school so we could brainstorm a plan before Kie starts her shift. 

"Kiara, I need those set ups done by five!" Her mum called out as we walked down the dock

"There are other people that work here" Kie yells back without looking and ignoring her mum from there on. 

"You know Kie, if your mum needs extra workers, I am always happy to help. I could use the money to help clear John B's name" After JJ and I got fired from the club, we are tight for money. I could use the job for food and legal bills for John B. I sat on the bench on the dock and Kie and Pope sat next to me.

"Can't start working now little Routledge, we gotta go to the Bahamas" JJ said as folded his arms and leant on my legs.

"There is no way we are getting to the Bahamas J, unless you have a secret stash of money you're not telling me about" I said, playing with his red and grey hat on his head. 

"Okay but John B is going to get nabbed sooner or later, so if we are going to clear his name we kind of needed to have done it yesterday" Kie said, looking at us. Her comment annoyed me slightly as if they had listened to me from the start that he was alive, we could have come up with a plan already. 

"I'll tell you how we do it" JJ stood up quickly looking at all of us making me roll my eyes knowing JJ this plan will be a mess.

"We kidnap Rafe" There it is, I knew he would have a bad idea, I couldn't help but laugh while Pope was surprisingly shocked by this. 

"We kidnap Rafe, tie him up and stick the gun in his mouth and just wait until he starts squawking" JJ is waving his hands around to mimic holding a gun.

"You know torture is a war crime" Kie says sarcastically. 

"So how exactly do you plan on clearing John B's name from a prison cell? Because that is a felony?" Pope questioned JJ and JJ started getting annoyed.

"J, we don't need both of you on the run or in jail okay. Leave Rafe out of this. All we need is a material witness." I said to the group, I had already been thinking about all of this so had a rough idea on what we needed to do. 

"We saw Ward's plane fly right over our heads with the gold inside of it. He didn't fly it, did he? So whoever flew that plane was on the tarmac when Peterkin was murdered. We need to find whoever flew that plan and get them to confess, on the record" They all nodded agreeing with me.

"How do we do that though Sav?" Kie asked me, but I don't know that just yet.

"A little ghost recon" JJ says while sliding his hat backwards and winking at me. 

"Woogity Woogity" Pope says holding out his hand, making us all do our secret Pogue handshake. 

Kie needed to work for her parents for a few hours and Pope headed home to work on his homework. Who does homework on the first day back to school? Before JJ and I headed back to the Chateau to try and come up with a further plan I spoke to Kie's mum to see if there was any shifts I could work at The Wreck for some extra money and she said she will have a think about it and come back to me, at least then JJ and I have some money coming in so we can get some groceries and start saving for John B's legal bills when he comes home. 

JJ and I are swinging on the hammock in our front yard, I have my head resting on JJ's chest listening to his heart beat while he plays with my hair. We don't have much time just us two anymore as Kie and Pope are always coming around and checking up on us to make sure we have food and aren't just living off beer and weed, so it is nice to finally spend some time just us before Kie and Pope come over tonight. 

"Hey J, I'm a little worried about you at the moment" I say lightly bringing up this topic, I am nervous he will just brush it off, but I know something is wrong. 

"Worried about me? Why are you worried about me Little Routledge, I should be worried about you" 

"Your chest, I have noticed you rubbing your chest here quite a few times lately" I rub my hand on the middle of his chest, right in the spot I see him touching most days.

"Oh you noticed that?" 

"I notice everything about you JJ, what's going on?"

"You have so much going on Sav, I didn't want you to worry about me. But since John B left, I have been struggling with my anxiety. There is just so many things at the moment that are out of our control and I'm trying to be strong so I can look after you and I am just finding when something extra happens, like Kelce at the club or the photo coming through, I just get this intense pain in my chest and feel like I can't breath" JJ looks up at the sky while he is talking, JJ has never been one to speak about his feelings so I listen to every word showing him how much I care. 

"JJ, I am here for you. I understand how you are feeling and I want you to know that you can come to me for anything. I don't need you to look after me, I need you to look after yourself so we can be strong for each other. If you ever feel like that, please let me try to help. I love you so much JJ" 

"I love you Sav, so much" JJ leans down and kisses me softly but passionately before we both got lost in the kiss and made our way inside. 

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