Chapter 7

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We stayed parked on one of the side streets for about half an hour when we saw the flashing lights of the police car drive past us towards the construction site. We made our way back to the site, hoping Ward was now gone so we could tell Shoupe what happened. Of course, he didn't believe us.

"Right, so you said this happened 45 minutes ago. Ward Cameron just popped one off and shot him. Execution style? Then cleaned it all up in 45 minutes?" We nodded at each of his statements, telling him that we were giving him the right information but he just didn't believe anything we were saying. 

"We filmed it, but we can't show it to you because I stepped on JJ's hand, then he kicked Pope and Pope dropped the camera and it broke" I said flustered, trying to prove our story but Shoupe just shook his head.

"So the dog ate your homework, Savannah? Look I don't know what you kids expect me to do with this. You drag me out here in the middle of the night for a whole lot of nothing. Trying to tell me Ward Cameron is out on a random killing spree" Shoupe said in disbelief.

"It's not nothing, we are not making this up" I yelled at him, JJ put his hand on my shoulder but I brushed him off walking a few steps closer to Shoupe. "Gavin was Wards pilot, Ward was paying him hush money because he was on the tarmac that day. Gavin was blackmailing Ward because he had the gun that Rafe used to kill Peterkin". 

"He called him here and tried to pay him off, but it wasn't enough and then he shot him" JJ said coming next to me, backing up my story. 

"How do you know that?" Shoupe looked at us curiously.

"Pope did this thing with his phone. He put it in his car and heard the whole conversation" Kie said to Shoupe making him look at us in disbelief. 

"You wiretapped him? I have had enough with you kids. You ever heard of the boy who cried wolf?" Shoupe yelled to the other officers to pack up and head home.

"Can you just do your job for like 20 minutes? Just listen to us, it makes sense" Kie yelled at Shoupe.

"I know that you think your friend, your brother was innocent" 

"He is innocent" I yelled back.

"You weren't there though Savannah. The only actual witnesses who are above ground say the exact opposite, all right? And both of them have a hell of a lot more credibility than any of you right now. I saw your little art project on Ward's wall. Do not do that again" He was looking directly at me, but I was confused not knowing what he was talking about, but Kie looked guilty. 

Kie, Pope and JJ all began arguing about who's fault it was as I sat on the curb with my head in my hands, watching the water run through the gutters. I stood and followed the flow of the water to the nearby storm drain and smiled to myself. 

"Come on little Routledge, let's go home" JJ comes and put's his arm on my shoulders. 

"It's not over J, we can still get the gun" I said not taking my eyes off the drain. 

"It will be washed into the drain by now Sav, I don't think we will be able to find it" 

"Not tonight, but tomorrow we will" I looked up to JJ and smiled and he nodded at me letting me know that he is onboard with my plan. 

The next morning Kie and Pope came to pick up JJ and I from the Chateau and we drove straight back to the construction site. We followed JJ's directions to where the end of the storm drain was. 

"This is the north drain, it should have gotten washed into the gully. So if it got flushed out from this drain, it would have been pushed out to here" JJ and Pope were standing in the dirty brown water. 

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