Chapter 8

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We had school the next morning and as always JJ and I overslept and woke up to Kie splashing us with water and rushing us out the door. I have been in a bit of a bad mood since yesterday and Shoupe not listening to us yet again so I stayed quiet in Kie's backseat while we drove to school. 

We were currently sitting in history taking a test that I completely wasn't prepared for, I didn't even bother opening the test and continued to draw little scribbles on the paper when a man knocked on the classroom door asking to speak to Pope. Pope left the room and Kie, JJ and I looked at each other but none of us knew who the man was. 

Pope was gone for about 15 minutes before he came back in holding a piece of paper and showing us. The first thing we recognised what the wheat symbol from the Royal Merchant.

"What the fu..... fudge?" JJ said loudly, quickly changing his swear word so he didn't get into trouble from Mr Sunn. Pope just told us he would fill us in after class. 

As soon as the bell rung, we all followed Pope through the corridors and into the library.

"Is this a game of tag? Am I going to have to beat you with a protractor? What's going on?" JJ said to Pope as we continued to follow him before he finally stopped at a table and sat down. 

"Okay, so that guy was from the scholarship committee. Take a look at this" Pope said passing us the letter and JJ grabbed it first so Kie told him to read it out loud. He looked at the paper without saying anything and then held it back out to me.

"Yeah I can't read cursive" JJ said, making Kie and Pope roll their eyes but I laughed at him and grabbed the letter.

"Dear Mr Heyward, I am reaching out because I have material evidence that can exonerate John B Routledge" I looked up at Pope with wide eyes and he nodded at me to continue "It is of vital importance that you come and meet me in person at my offices at 27 King Street, Charleston at 8pm sharp tonight. Please come alone. Regards, C. Limbrey" 

"Charleston? That's like an eight-hour drive. Plus the ferry" Kie said, reminding us that we wouldn't make it there in time. 

"We would have to leave right now" JJ said picking up his bag before passing me mine, knowing I would leave with him. 

"Material evidence? What does that even mean?" Kie said to us, wanting to know all of the facts.

"It means he can clear John B. We're going to Charleston. Who's coming?" I look at my friends who all nod at me and Kie tells us she has to tell her mum our plans. I forget sometimes what it's like to have parents, someone you need to tell where you are going. I just have JJ now and he goes where I go.

"If we get it this time, we are not giving it to Shoupe" I said as JJ agreed. We were done giving Shoupe information he would just ignore anyway. I'll get John B clear my own way. 

Kie dropped JJ and Pope off at Heyward so Pope could get his dads truck to drive to Charleston, I stayed with Kie and we drove to her house so she could tell her parents where we were going and pack a bag. 

"What are you doing here Kiara, you should still be at school" Mike, her dad said spotting us walk through the door. "Oh, hi Savannah" Whilst Kie's mum always liked me, I knew her dad didn't like Kie hanging out with Pogues. 

"We need to go to Charleston, it's an emergency. We will be gone for the night" Kie said picking up her overnight bag and shoving some washing in there and heading back towards me waiting in the doorway. 

"Baby, no, you can't go to Charleston on a school night" Anna said grabbing Kie's bag to stop her from walking. 

"This is our chance to finally clear John B's name" Kie yelled back at her parents.

"He's gone Kiara" Her dad said forgetting I was there, or not caring. Anna touched his shoulder and nodded in my direction. "I'm sorry but you both need to accept it" I stopped myself from speaking, knowing I would make this situation worse for Kie and blinked away my tears. 

"All we are trying to say is that we are worried cause you're spending all your time with these people. No offence Savannah but you aren't the best influence on our daughter" Anna said looking between Kie and I. I raised my eyebrows and stayed silent.

"God mum, they are not just people I found on the street. They are my best friends, since kindergarten. My only friends, Savannah is like a sister to me" 

"I understand that, but you're not a little girl anymore Kiara" 

"I'm a Pogue mum, sorry!" Kie yelled back, I turned around at the sound of a truck and saw JJ and Pope pull up. 

"Kie, I'm just going to go" I said before walking down her porch steps and running straight to JJ who could already tell something was wrong. Kie and her parents were on the porch behind me still yelling at each other. 

"They're taking it well" JJ said putting his arm over my shoulder.

"You have no idea" I said leaning into him as he asked Pope how he managed to get the truck and Pope described in detail his plan about making the truck make noises so he's taking it to get fixed. Pope said his dad will lose his shit if we aren't back tomorrow. 

"It's good to see y'all Mr and Mrs Carrera" JJ yells out to them making me pull his hand down whilst Kies parents continue yelling at her. 

"Kiara, listen to me. You want to go, then go. But if you don't come back at the proper time, then don't come back at all" Her mum says as Kie comes to stand next to me. 

"She's bluffing Kie" I say in her ear as she gets in the car.

"Nice to see you again. Have a good day" I give a sarcastic smile and wave. I have never been rude to parents before but they spoke horribly about me and my family just then and I couldn't help myself. JJ laughed and got in the car after me. 

"This shit would be so much easier without parents" Kie mumbled. 

"Yeah, it is" JJ and I laugh as we are the only two without any parents.

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