Chapter 23

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We were all sitting in the container, dripping in sweat and unsure of the next move. 

"Nice work, John B. You know these things lock from the outside right?" JJ said to John B who was leaning against the edge

"I was just trying to get us on the boat JJ, I wasn't thinking that far ahead" John B said back frustrated

"We're stuck in here like rats,  in this death cage" 

"Okay JJ, you aren't helping" Pope joined in on the conversation.

"You don't have a  lot of room to talk right now. You said you had a plan, but what happened to thinking ahead?" JJ said to Pope "Last I checked, you literally shot an oil container with a gat. Remember that?" 

"Shut up, pull it together" I yelled at the boys making them finally all stop arguing with each other. 

Time was moving so slow while we were stuck in here, it felt like it had been hours. We were all dripping in sweat, John B was looking out the window and I was sitting on one of the higher boxes with JJ standing in front of me resting his head on my lap. 

"I have an idea" JJ said sitting up suddenly making me jump at the fast movement "How do you kill a snake?" JJ asked loudly making everyone look at him confused.

"You go for the head?" I answered unsure where he was going with this.

"Exactly. But the head in this instance, is the bridge. We need to take the bridge, but we need maximum firepower and I happen to know that there is an armoury on this ship in case of pirate attacks" JJ looked to all of us, I heard Kie mutter pirate attacks in disbelief. 

"If we take that, and I'm not just talking about pistols, I am talking knives" JJ kept going making me roll my eyes

"You lost me J" I jumped off the box and walked past JJ on my way to where Kie was at the back of the container "Killing everybody here is not a plan" 

"Ah, we lost her" JJ pointed at me walking away from him. "I'm serious though, if we get to the armoury, I am talking AK's, pistols, knives, double barrels" JJ said to Pope and John B and I heard them start to argue as Kie and I started moving things around to see where the sun was coming from. 

"Oh shit, it's a window" I said looking at Kie and laughing "Guys" I called out to the boys who came down to us. 

"Can we fit through that?" I asked John B

"Hell yeah we can, nice one Sav" He said excitedly

"What was that about a Swiss Army knife not coming in handy?" JJ said holding up his knife he takes everywhere and starts trying to unscrew the window, he actually managed to get it open so now all we had to do was pull it off.

"Okay, we raid the armoury, get weapons, roll back here and then plot the next move" JJ says turning to all of us who were underneath him "The armoury is on the third deck, near the laundry room. Let's roll" JJ goes to take the window off before Pope stops him. 

"Hold up, I don't think we should all go out there, it's too risky" Pope says, I hate the idea of splitting up "I think you and Sav should stay here" Pope points to JJ and I.

"What, why?" I said, not understanding why we shouldn't go. 

"I have Sarah that I need to go after and Pope has the cross" John B says shrugging his shoulders. "Also, if you go out there, there's 100% probability that you're gonna do something stupid" John B points to JJ.

"Okay, first of all, I think the correct term is ballsy" JJ defends himself as John B pulled him down off the box.

"But why do I have to stay here?" I asked my brother.

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