Chapter 11

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I woke up to the sun on my face and remembered we were all asleep on the boat. I sat up and saw Kie, Pope, Sarah and John B still fast asleep. JJ was driving the boat after swapping with John B so he could get some rest. 

"Good morning little Routledge" He said smiling at me as I walked over to him and gave him a kiss. He pulled me into him and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"You doing okay? I saw you keep waking up" He looked down to me

"Yeah, I woke up and thought I dreamt him coming back but he's still here. I would wake up and have to check he hadn't disappeared again" I said looking over at John B. 

 "He's back now Sav, he won't leave again. Not as long as we have anything to say about it" He kissed my head and we saw the others slowly start waking up.

"Anybody else starving? We need to grab some breakfast" JJ called out as he pulled the boat into a dock. Kie, Sarah and I went to find some food while the boys stayed on the boat. We found a watermelon and sat down on a nearby bench. 

"Wait, so you really got married?" Kie asked Sarah after Sarah filled us in on her and John B's trip. 

"It wasn't exactly legal, but yeah" Sarah said smiling

"Welcome to the family, who knew one day you would be a Routledge like me?" I said laughing to Sarah, it is crazy to think she used to be the Kook princess. 

"Am I crazy or is there definitely something going on between you and Pope?" Sarah asked Kie making me laugh because she had missed so much.

"Maybe" Kie said not making eye contact.

"And you and JJ, strong as ever I see?" Sarah looked to me.

"Stronger than ever, maybe we will be the next one's to get married" I said back as Kie and Sarah laughed and agreed that JJ and I would definitely be next. 

"Let's get back to our boys" We all got up and made our way back to the boat. We walked up while the boys were deep in conversation, they stopped abruptly when we returned. JJ reached up to help me with the watermelon and we started the rest of the drive back home. 

Before we knew it we were driving the boat through the Marsh and docking it outside the Chateau.

"There she is" John B says as we walk up the dock. 

"Welcome home guys" I said to John B and Sarah as we sat on the porch.

"You know, I gotta be honest. I am not exactly looking forward to a check in at home. My parents have probably already arranged my funeral" Kie said sitting on the couch. 

"I predict unpleasantries at the Heyward household after I left the truck in Charleston" Pope said sitting next to Kie. 

"No one knows we're here right? And you two aren't going to get into any more trouble for showing up 12 hours later" JJ points to Kie and Pope "So that means we have 12 hours to do whatever we want" JJ says making us all smile. 

"Let shit hit the fan tomorrow" I said agreeing with my boyfriend. 

"The cops could be looking for us, it could be really stupid" Sarah said panicked. 

JJ looked over at her and said "Sarah Cameron, you have heard of my philosophy, right?" John B and I looked at each other and laughed knowing exactly what he was going to say. "Stupid things have good outcomes all the time. Who's with me? Let's get some beer!"

After we got some beer and we were all back at the Chateau hanging out by the fire and sitting in the hot tub, everyone was laughing and having fun and just being teenagers again. There was rapping and JJ and Pope playing some balancing game before breaking out into a full on wrestle which surprisingly Pope actually won. Pope got up and said he was out and then Kie got up and followed him out in a very obvious way. 

"Way to be discreet Kie" I yelled out to her and she stuck the finger up at me before walking away.

"I leave and this is what happens" John B says pointing his beer to Pope and Kie.

"Are you blaming us?" JJ said to John B with his hand to his chest "You guys are the one that died, okay"

"Your boy's out. Beer time" John B walked off while JJ and Sarah were bickering about the no Pogue on Pogue macking rule. Honestly feels like those two are siblings sometimes the way they are bickering. I saw John B standing my the tree we burnt their memorial into and excused myself from Sarah and JJ and went over to my brother. 

"It's a cute art project" He said sniffling "Killed the tree though"

"Probably, yeah" We both laughed.

"I missed you so much JB" I said looking at him and tearing up, he pulled me into a tight hug and I could feel him crying on my shoulder too. We made our way back over to JJ and Sarah who were still sitting by the fire.

"Oh, all right" I heard JJ yell out making us all turn to see Kie and Pope driving off in our boat.

"There he goes, he jacked your boat dude" JJ said hitting John B's arm

"Pope's poking on the Pogue" John B said shocked before Sarah and I made a howling noise. 

We were all chatting, JJ and John B were standing together and Sarah and I were sitting next to each other before I heard a strange noise. 

"Wait, guys shut up" I said to the boys so I could hear better, but all I could hear was our chicken.

"It's just the chicken Sav" JJ said coming up to me. 

"No, it sounded like a car door" John B said, confirming he heard it too.

JJ started clucking like a chicken and John B put his hand over his mouth. We quickly put the fire out and ran over to the tree and started to climb the tree. We all got quite high up on the tree, JJ sat behind me on the same branch and was rubbing his thumb on my thigh to try to calm me down. We could hear Rafe and Barry smashing things in the house and make their way outside and stand right under the tree where we were hiding. Rafe knows we were here because of the smoke of the fire, so he doesn't sound like he's giving up.

He is laughing at the tree where it says Sarah Cameron P4L and before we know it he shot his gun multiple times, one of the bullets flying up in our direction and I felt JJ quickly pull me back so the bullet didn't hit me and it landed right in front my my face in the tree trunk.  

"Holy fuck" I whispered leaning into JJ, shaking with fear. Rafe and Barry then left and we all stayed in the tree until we knew they wouldn't return. 

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