Chapter 20

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We were driving to the marina when Luke asked JJ to pull over to get some groceries for him to take on the boat with him, enough for 5 days to be precise. JJ got out of the truck and looked at me through the window and nodded, his way of saying it's okay. We sat in silence before Luke started banging on Kie's seat as if he was playing the drums. Kie looked to me and we both rolled our eyes, I was trying to bite my tongue but I couldn't.

"You're a terrible father, you know that?" I said, making Kie turn to me and Luke stop hitting the chair.

"Yeah, preach it to me" Luke smirked "Set me straight" 

"Do you have any idea how special your son is? Like, even a clue?" I turned my body to him, I've never been this close to him before and I hate him. 

"He's a thief is what he is" Luke scoffed

"And what are you? You're just a wasted local salt who never did shit but get messed up and hustle people. Not exactly impressive" He looked like he wanted to hit me and knowing him, he probably did. 

"What are you then Savannah? JJ is just like me, he'll be in jail before he's twenty and you know I'm right" He knelt closer to me and we both sat there with straight faces. 

"Sav" Kie said trying to get my attention to make sure I was okay. 

"Ah don't forget the Kook princess. You're just like your mama, slumming with the bad boys. Miss Figure Eight, hopping up on your high horse, riding around in daddy's car" Luke kept going, making me clench my fists as I saw JJ come out of the store with paper bags. 

"I bet you're just like your mama" Luke said, looking at Kie up and down which was my final straw and I elbowed him in the face, making him jolt back against the chair and he looked at me furious before we both looked down and saw a fishing knife between us and Luke went to grab it before JJ whistled and handed Luke beers through the window. I took the opportunity to grab the knife and slide it under my thigh. 

"Let's get this over with, yeah?" Kie said as JJ got in the car, he looked into the backseat and saw his dad bleeding and looked at both of us sitting uncomfortably. He knew something went down and he looks like he's checking me for marks. 

"You okay?" JJ asked me and I just nodded and looked out the window as Kie drove to the marina. 

When we got to the marina, JJ got out first and went to the tray to get a bag.

"See you around, Savannah" Luke said getting close to me before JJ pulled him back.

"Shut up, don't speak to her" JJ pushed him towards the marina.

"Hey Luke" I called out as I lent against the side of the truck, he turned around and I stuck up my middle finger at him and he turned to come back to me before JJ stood in front of him blocking the way and Kie laughed at me. 

"I hate him" I said to Kie through the window of the truck.

"Why is JJ helping him? After everything that he's done?" Kie asked me, but we both know why JJ is doing this. 

"That's what JJ does Kie, he will always help anyone. No matter what. It is probably his best and worst trait" I touched Kie's hand through the window "I'm just going to check on him okay, be right back" Kie nodded at me and I walked down to the dock, I got to the end just at the boat left and drove away. JJ was throwing something in the rubbish and sniffling. He walked up to me and wrapped me into the biggest, tightest hug. He put his arm over my shoulder and we walked up the dock together. 

We drove back to the rest of the Pogues and hoped we weren't too late and that the Twinkie was still able to be saved. When we got there they were all sitting on top of the van and John B was bleeding. 

"Where the hell were you guys?" Pope yelled at us

"Luke was at the Chateau" JJ said back while getting the winch out of the truck. 

"Oh great, while you were having family time with your pops, John B got bit by a gator" Pope yelled making us all look to John B

"What the hell happened?" I asked my brother who just looked at me in disbelief 

"What happened Sav? I got bit by a gator" John B yelled back at us

"I don't know why I'm being yelled at. I put my ass on the line" Kie yelled back, we were all angry and frustrated. 

"We got here as fast as we could okay, lay off" I joined in the argument. We were all yelling at each other and I could see JJ getting more and more frustrated and running his hands through his hair before he finally snapped.

"Shut up" He yelled making us all stop talking "Seriously guys, I can't take it anymore, all right? Everyone just cut it out for a second" JJ sat on a tree stump as we all watched him, he is usually the last one to lose his cool. 

"I just helped my dad leave this island for good, like he's not ever coming back. He was straight up like the Spanish, Bon Voyage" JJ waved his hand in the air

"J, that's not the right language" I whispered but he either didn't hear my or ignored me. 

"All we got, and I know for a fact all I got is you guys okay? You're it" JJ looked around at all of us "I have come too close to losing you, all of you. I mean shit, you two almost drowned in that storm drain" He looked to Kie and I "Pope, you were kidnapped. Sarah, you were shot and John B you were almost dinner for a freaking gator bro" We all laughed "This blaming each other is some Kook-ass bullshit, all right? We don't do that. We're Pogues" 

I walked over to JJ and slipped my hand around his waist as he finished talking. 

"Sorry, that was a lot right now. I didn't mean to" He said to everyone as they all looked at each other and all started clapping. 

"I got to be honest, that was the best freaking speech you have ever given" John B said from the Twinkie as JJ put his arm on my shoulders and held me tight to his side, kissing my head. 

"Also, you should think about a Rosetta Stone because your Spanish and French are flip-flopped" John B said again, JJ put his middle finger up at him as everyone agreed we needed to get the Twinkie out now. After attaching the winch, JJ stood in the tray of the truck directing me as I drove the Twinkie out of the mud. 

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