Chapter 14

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Sarah never came home last night, she has no where else to go unless she has gone home but surely she wouldn't go back there after all this. 

I slept in and woke up to an empty quiet house, I went to find my friends and heard Kie playing the ukulele so followed to sound and found all three of them in the shed. JJ was waxing his surfboard and I walked straight into their argument about how much wax he was using. 

"Can we go one day without an argument guys?" I said walking around the board and next to JJ before he gave me a kiss to say good morning. We heard a car honking at us and we all looked up and saw the Twinkie pulling up in front of us. 

"Am I dreaming?" I asked JJ before we all ran over and saw John B get out of the car.

"Guess who is out of the clink, boy!" He yelled as we all jumped and hugged him. 

"How did you do it? Did you bust out?" JJ asked making me roll my eyes at him.

"They dropped the charges" John B said shrugging.

"You're telling me I did all that work for nothing?" JJ said making us laugh at him

"Oh the most elaborate escape plan of all time?" I asked looking up at my boyfriend who pushed my head laughing. I didn't think I would be happy and laughing again but here we are, John B back yet again but we were just missing Sarah.

"Where's Sarah?" John B asked, noticing the missing person. 

"She never came back from meeting Wheezie last night" Kie said. What has happened to Sarah?

We were all sitting on the dock and HMS hanging out while John B told us about his time in jail but you could tell he was worried about Sarah.

"So Sarah just dips and doesn't call? I really think Ward got to her. The dude tried to have me killed in jail" John B said making us all look at him

"What do you mean he tried to have you killed?" I said to my brother

"He sent somebody to the prison who choked me up and almost killed me. Dude I swear to god one day I am going to kill that son of a bitch" John B says sitting on the boat with us. 

"It's okay, Sarah is right there" Kie says pointing behind us where Sarah was arriving on Toppers boat. 

"What the hell is she doing with Topper?" I asked confused. Sarah and John B had their reunion while Topper stood awkwardly on his boat. John B was telling Sarah that Shoupe is now going after Rafe. Sarah was happy to hear this and told us about what happened last night and Rafe tried to jump her and drown her but luckily Topper saved her. 

"Uh, well I guess I owe you one Topper" John B said awkwardly to Topper

"It's all good. I mean someone had to rescue your girlfriend right?" 

"Uh, thats funny because she's not actually my girlfriend, right?" John B looked to Sarah for her to tell Topper they got married. JJ looked at me and pulled a face and I put my sunglasses back on and lent back on him to watch this awkward situation get worse. 

"I'm, uh I'm with him" Sarah said making Kie and I pull a face at each other. 

"Gotcha, you're with him. I just needed a little clarity there. You guys clear on that?" Topper spoke to us

"I think it's clear you gotta go now" JJ said trying to get Topper to leave. Sarah went to hug Topper goodbye and John B's face looked angry. 

Sarah and John B left to speak privately and JJ and I sat on the porch taking turns doing a shotgun with the beer while Kie and Pope went back into the garage, there was a weird tension between those two. 

"I missed that" JJ says suddenly, looking at me.

"Missed what? Me doing a shotgun?" I laughed

"No, you smiling. It's been a while since I've seen you happy" 

I sat up and straddled his lap and kissed him. He picked me up to take me inside when his pocket started vibrating. 

"Uh J, what is that?" 

He laughed at me and dropped me back on the couch before reaching into his pocket to pull out his phone.

"It's Guffy, hang on" JJ answered the call and put it on speaker. Guffy was stressed and telling JJ that something happened to Pope's dad, we looked at each other and both ran out the door, I called out to Sarah and John B to hurry up and JJ went to get Pope and Kie.

John B drove the Twinkie and we all rushed into Heyward's to help Pope's dad. He had a big cut on his forehead which Sarah cleaned up and put a bandage on to stop the bleeding. It turns out this is all to do with the key that Pope found in his Mee-maw's apartment. We need to work out what is so special about this key and why they want it so badly.

There was so much tension in the van as we drove to Pope's grandma. Sarah and John B weren't speaking after the awkward situation with Topper and Kie and Pope weren't speaking either. Pope was talking about the key and about it leading to the 'Cross of Santo Domingo' whatever that is. 

"Well according to the inter webs, it was a gift from New Spain to the Spanish King" Kie said after googling the cross.

"New Spain? Is there an Old Spain?" JJ said from the front seat making me laugh at him. 

"Jeez talk about over gifting, look at the size of that thing" I said grabbing Kie's phone and showing JJ and John B the huge cross. 

"It was widely considered at the time to be the most extravagant tribute ever in the provinces. It was lost off the coast of Bermuda in 1829" Kie read from her phone

"Did you just say Bermuda?" JJ looks back at us

"Oh god, not the triangle J" I rolled by eyes at him, he always has crazy theories about the Bermuda Triangle.

"It always leads back to the triangle Sav, like every single time something's weird. It's Bermuda"

"Definitely not every single time J but sure"

"What does a key found above your mee-maw's pharmacy have to do with any of this?" Kie asked Pope, interrupting mine and JJ's bickering as we pulled up to the retirement home. Pope got out first followed by Kie and JJ while I sat at the door about to get out too. 

"I'm going to do this one by myself, I can handle it. I don't really need you so" Pope said to Kie

"Oh we're just all one big happy family today, aren't we?" JJ said before getting back into the car as Pope walked inside, alone.  

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