Chapter 6

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Only Pope could hear the conversation so we all anxiously waited for his updates. He told us that he was talking to Ward and would tell Kie when she was too far away and needed to drive closer to stay within range. 

"Gavin has the gun that Rafe used to kill Peterkin" Pope said looking up at us, making us all say holy shit. 

"Wait. He's pulling over" Kie said, looking at the car in front and panicking on what to do next. "Do I pull up behind him? Guys, what do I do?"

JJ is yelling at Kie to drive faster around the block whilst Pope is losing the signal. We pulled down a street and noticed road works and trucks blocking the street, just as Kie went to reverse to go the opposite way a truck completely blocked us in. JJ yelled at the truck driver from the car as Pope unclipped his seat belt and started running. Without thinking I got out of the car and ran after him, hearing JJ and Kie get out behind me and the workers yelling at us for abandoning the car.

Following Pope we ran through multiple backyards, there were some girls having a sleepover and even one of JJ's surf buddies having a party. Pope tripped over making him lose his AirPods and we both tried to find them, we both slipped one in each and heard the end of the conversation.

"Gavin, meet me now at the construction site near that surf shop. You bring the gun, I will bring you your money. Then we are done. Are we good?" I heard Ward say. Even hearing his voice makes me so angry, knowing he has framed my brother and ruined our lives. 

"He's meeting Ward, we need to go now" I said looking up at Kie and JJ who didn't hear the conversation. We all started running back to where we left Kie's car and drove straight to the surf shop. 

We pulled up at the surf shop and Pope dug through his bag pulling out a very ancient looking camera. JJ and I looked at each other confused and laughed.

"Nice camera, where'd you dig up that relic?" JJ asked Pope

"Why don't you just use your phone?" I asked, making Pope look at us annoyed.

"First of all, I like my antique electronics. Second of all, this is a telephoto. it allows me to get a close image from far away" Pope rubbed the camera lens making sure it was clean. 

"Lord of the dorks" JJ whispered in my ear, I smirked at his comment while Pope said something about quality glass. We saw Ward pull up and run inside the construction site and we all ducked down to make sure we weren't seen just as Gavin pulled up and went inside also. We couldn't see clearly from the car so we all got out to try and find another place to hide. JJ found a ladder leading up to a rooftop opposite the construction site, we all climbed up and had the perfect view of Gavin and Ward. 

"Ward just handed Gavin something. I think it's a duffel bag" Pope said looking through the camera. 

"Guys, I think this is a payoff" JJ said to us. Pope kept sharing what he could see through the zoom of his camera, letting us know Gavin was unhappy and that they begun yelling at each other.

"Holy shit, they are going at it" JJ said as we watched the two break out into a fight. 

"Pope, why are they fighting?" I asked as he could see clearer than we could. Ward suddenly had a gun pointed at Gavin that we could all see. They continued to argue before we heard the gunshot and watched Gavin fall to the ground. 

"No, no, no. That did not just happen. He was our only hope" I yelled rubbing my hands over my face. 

"Tell me you just got that" JJ said to Pope, if Pope got that then at least we can send Ward to prison but it won't get John B's name clear. Ward began looking around and JJ panicked telling us we need to leave right now. Pope had enough footage to put Ward away for life, now we needed to give it to Shoupe. Ward headed outside to try and find the gun as it got washed down the storm drain. I couldn't help myself as I stood up and leant over the rooftop and yelled "Murderer" loud enough that Ward heard me, I suddenly felt two hands grab my waist and pull me down.

"What the hell are you doing Sav?" JJ asked, putting both his hands on my face making me look directly at him. 

"I don't care if he hears me JJ. He is a murderer"

"Yeah, and he's going to murder us, Sav" JJ looked truely panicked.

"Guys, he can see us. We got to go now, he's coming this way" Pope yelled making all of us run towards the ladder, JJ practically dragging me. Kie went first, followed by Pope, followed by JJ. I went last and accidentally stood on JJ's hand which made him flinch and kick Pope in the face, and Pope drop the camera. Pope and JJ began arguing about who was at fault as we all ran to the car. 

"Could someone fill me in on what the frick just happened?" JJ yelled, taking his hat off and running his hands through his messy hair. They had a gun, which must have been the one Rafe used. Why did Gavin keep it? Blackmail? I mean it worked, Ward came with more money but then Gavin was shot. 

"Kie, who are you calling right now?" I asked, noticing her on the phone. We were all here with her so who would she be calling, then she told us it was the cops. 

"Hello? Hi, somebody's been shot at the Grand Street construction site. You guys need to hurry because he's dying. I don't know if he is already dead or not. You need to hurry" Kie was so panicked as she spoke to the police.

"Guys, we can't stay here. We are sitting ducks right now" I said to Kie, making her start the car and drive away before Ward caught us. 

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