Chapter 22

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As we drove closer to home we stopped when we saw the police cars at the crash scene of Kie's truck. John B told us to all relax as Shoupe recognised the Twinkie and headed over with a flashlight.

"I pulled the tags and I know who's truck that is" Shoupe yelled through John B's window before shining his light in the back and onto Kie who was trying to hide. "Hey Kie, you drop your weed pen back there?" 

"Found it" Kie said giving a thumbs up. Pope tried to say it was all his fault so Kie wouldn't get in trouble but Shoupe wouldn't let her off. 

"Your parents reported the truck missing four hours ago, and the keys were missing from the house. I'm taking you home Kiara. Or I can pull you all in for leaving the scene of an accident" 

Deputy Plumb opened the door and took Kie's arm and led her to the police car to take her home. Since we couldn't help her right now we decided to follow through on our plan and drive to the Cameron's, hoping Rafe would have taken the truck there. When we got there we found out we were right, we looked over the fence just as Rafe pulled up and went inside. 

JJ, Pope and I watched John B and Sarah awkwardly argue, they needed to talk but now probably wasn't the right time. Suddenly they stared kissing, JJ wolf whistled at them and Sarah went inside while John B came back to us. 

"Did you say be safe?" I asked my brother jokingly.

"I did say be safe" He replied making JJ and I laugh. We watched Sarah try to get into the truck but it looks like it was locked, we waved her back but she went inside the house. The boys went to jump the fence to help her when a neighbour in a golf buggy pulled up, honking at us holding a shotgun. JJ jumped off the fence first and grabbed me to help me down and both John B and JJ stood in front of me. 

"You kids are on the wrong side of the island" He pointed the gun at us and went to call the police.

"Sir, can I just talk to you for a minute" JJ said walking closer to the man, ignoring me telling him to stop. 

"Sir, I know you think we're just some derelict kids from the cut, but we weren't that to Mr Cameron. We were his yard workers, sir. We were just waiting for our yard associate" JJ stumbled on a name so I quickly whispered Tommy. "Tommy, to get back from planting a row of flowers for Mr Cameron's memorial" 

JJ kept rambling, he was the best liar of us all and the neighbour was eating this story up. 

"The Knight of the Rhododendron lives on, in here" JJ patted his chest "That's why we planted those flowers. You smell that right?" JJ asked the neighbour

"What is that, night blooming jasmine?" He asked sniffing the air. 

"No, thats more like, uh natural viagra" JJ said making me laugh and the neighbour actually looked really excited. 

"One sniff and bam! It's hammer time! You know what I'm saying" JJ kept going, I put my hand on my mouth trying to hide my laughter while Pope was getting JJ to shut up. 

"I gotta get some of those flowers" The neighbour said as he got in his golf cart and drove off. 

"You're such an idiot" I said laughing to JJ as we went back over to the fence before seeing Rafe come out of the house. 

"Get down" John B yelled at us. Rafe got in the truck and started driving, JJ and Pope were trying to work out what to do and wanted to use the element of surprise. Pope ran after the truck and John B and JJ were arguing. 

"Guys, Pope!" I yelled before running after him and hearing JJ and John B right behind me but we stopped when Pope jumped onto the back of the truck. 

"What was that shit?" John B questioned before we focused on the house and watch Rose and Wheezie carry Sarah out to the car. Sarah didn't look okay. 

"What did they do to Sarah?" I asked as we all ran over to the car that Rose was starting, we started banging on the windows pleading for Wheezie to open the door. Rose was speeding up and I lost my footing and tripped over but JJ and John B kept following the car before they lost it too. JJ helped me up and we ran to the Twinkie so we could catch up to Rose. I sat in the back of the Twinkie with JJ as he cleaned my knee that was bleeding from falling on the stones. 

We followed Rose the whole way to a shipping container yard, right on time too as the Twinkie blew white smoke out of the hood. We had to sneak our way in and we hid behind a red truck that was pulling in before running off to the side before we were spotted. We hid behind a whole pile of pipes and other supplies, before looking at the ship in front of us.

"Wait, the Costal Venture. Dude, I know that ship" JJ said to us. "My dad did legs on her last summer. It's a total tramp steamer, I worked on her in port" 

"Wait, there's the cross. Look!" I pointed at the large wooden box getting lifted onto the ship and Rafe standing next to the truck. 

"There she is" John B pointed at Sarah who was still walking unsteady and with help from Rose. "JJ, we gotta come up with a plan" 

"Why JJ?  Why don't you want to hear my plan?" I asked my brother

"Okay Sav, what's your plan" John B looked at me waiting to hear what I have to say.

"I don't actually have one" He rolled his eyes but JJ jumped straight in with his plan. 

"If we get over to that barge, we go over. We'll have to get into the water though" JJ said pointing at the boat

"We would be sitting ducks" I said back, that wasn't a good idea. 

"Howdy" Kie said from beside JJ, making us jump. Where the hell did she come from? She laughed at us for looking scared and told us she located our phones. Pope had new bruises and cuts, which he told us was from Rafe round three. We filled them in how Rafe has loaded the cross onto the boat and something was wrong with Sarah and Rose has taken her onto the boat as well. 

We started moving when Pope separated from us asking us to trust him. We didn't want to split up but he wouldn't take no for an answer. We heard a gunshot followed by a huge explosion, sending all the workers running.

"Was that Pope?" I asked pointing towards the explosion just as Pope came running over to us. 

"That container is going on the ship, we can get in that way. You with me?" Pope asked us all and we all ran to the container. Pope jumped in first and just as I was about to JJ stopped me. 

"Wait, have we thought this through? That's a trap right there. We can't get out once we get in" JJ said pointing into the container.

"I know, you guys don't have to come right" John B said to JJ looking at me and Kie. 

"I'm going with you JB, I'm not leaving you alone again" I said taking my brothers hand and getting into the container. 

"Well you know I'm going if she's in there" JJ said jumping in.

"Guess it's better than boarding school" Kie was the last one in and we ran to the back of the container to hide before the workers came back. The container was then sealed and we were now trapped. We felt the container move and swing around and we were thrown from one side to the other all losing our balance. We couldn't make a sound as we didn't want anyone to know we were in here. The container stopped swinging and we knew we were now on the boat. 

"So, what's the plan now?" I asked my friends as we felt the boat start to move. 

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