Chapter 5

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Kie came to pick JJ and I up after her shift after she had already stopped to pick up Pope. JJ and I sat in the backseat as we all spoke about tonights plan to speak to the pilot who flew Wards plane carrying the gold. Somehow Pope has found out his name and address, sometimes it's better not to ask questions.

"If this guy flew planes for Ward, he is going to be pretty tight-lipped" Pope said to all of us. 

"So then direct approach gets my vote" JJ says pulling out his gun that I didn't even know he bought. 

"JJ no. We have to be careful otherwise you will end up in jail as well" I said pushing the gun down as Kie and Pope yelled at JJ also. 

"We gotta keep this simple guys or we will never get John B off" JJ yells back at us. 

"I have an idea" I said interrupting JJ. "Pope remember the other day you showed me the trick with your AirPods where you can leave your phone in a room and then listen through the headphones?" I remember Pope showing me this the other day and we were all playing with it around the Chateau. Pope nodded at me to say he remembered this as well. 

"What if we plant Popes phone in his car or his house and then hopefully we can catch him calling Ward or saying anything about what really happened on the tarmac?" 

"Let's do it. Kie, say something" Pope said putting in one AirPod and holding his phone out to Kie. Once they tested the audio, the plan was in motion and we pulled up to his house. Pope pointed out his house to the rest of us.

"All right, honk or yell or something if you see anything suspicious" Pope said opening the door.

"Don't do anything dangerous" Kie said softly to Pope.

"Come on, I'm not JJ" Pope said making Kie and I laugh and JJ get annoyed by his comment. 

"Real funny Pope, Sav and I are just loving this double date" JJ replied sarcastically. We watched Pope run over to the house as we sat in silence before JJ spoke up.

"How's it been going, you know, with Pope and all?" JJ asked Kie, I wanted to know the answer to this also so I leant forward listening to them both, you could tell Kie felt a bit awkward as she just replied saying its going good.

"In the bedroom, is he, like kinda freaky? Cause it's Pope, you know" JJ asked making me burst out laughing.

"Why are you asking?" Kie looked at JJ shocked by his question.

"I don't know. Just curious. Just spitballing here" JJ looked at me and smiled a cheeky smirk.

"You don't need to spitball JJ, we could sit in silence" Kie said looking out the window trying to ignore JJ. After a few minutes of silence still waiting for Pope to come back JJ decided to keep the awkward questions going. 

"Ranking wise, is John B better?" Kie turned around so fast I'm surprised she didn't hurt her neck.

"What" she said loudly back to us. I was cracking up before noticing Pope running back to the car making me tell Kie and JJ to be quiet. Pope noticed the awkwardness in the car and asked us if everything was okay but we all just nodded and drove in silence. 

We decided phase two of the plan would be to wait till it was dark and we would call Gavin the pilot. We are going to tell him we know what happened and hopefully he says something incriminating. We are arguing on who should talk to Gavin as we don't want the voice to be familiar. Kie said she could do the call and she practiced disguises for her voice, firstly trying a British accent and even doing a deep 'Batman' which sounded horrible making us all laugh. When Gavin answered the phone she panicked and said she couldn't do it so I quickly took the phone from her and spoke up.

"Is Gavin there?"

"This is Gavin, who is this?"

"I know what happened on the tarmac" This made Gavin stop speaking, JJ put his hand on my shoulder to steady me as I continued to speak.

"It was Rafe Cameron, but you already knew that and you lied about it. We are going to prove it"

"You're going to tell me who this is now" Gavin is starting to sound panicked.

"You could have saved her, Gavin, but you didn't. You are not getting away with this" I hung up the phone as the others told me I did a good job and JJ put his arm on my shoulder and pulled me closer as we waited to see if Phase 2 works.

We see Gavin rush out of his house and head to his car, I heard JJ and Pope arguing about the seatbelt whilst Kie is now following Gavins car so Pope can continue to listen to the conversation. 

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