1 | The Capture

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Atia fidgeted with her ring, sitting on the throne as she was awaiting her husband's return. She knew something was wrong. It's been too long. He should've come back already, or at least contacted her, send Jessamy as a messenger.

Instead, she was left alone in the throne room, without any news about his quest. 

That was until the raven came back. But she was alone. And she didn't bring any good news. She informed her Queen about the Dream Lord's capture.

At first, Atia wanted to rush into action, to help him as soon as she heard it. But Lucienne convinced her to wait. To see if he would be able to break out himself.

But as they waited, hours, then days, then finally weeks, Atia couldn't take it anymore. 

She still fulfilled her duty as the Queen and the realm's second-in-command and did her best to keep The Dreaming running. She did everything in her power to maintain everything, Lucienne helping her a great deal.

Meanwhile, she sent Jessamy out to get a better intel on the situation. But the raven never got good news. Mostly, she didn't get anywhere close to the Lord of Dreams. The closest she got was outside of the house he was trapped in. 

Last she heard, the Corinthian visited the mansion, before Jessamy was spotted. After that incident, Atia decided to hold back a bit. 

She couldn't just sent the raven into the danger when she didn't know what to expect. As clever as Jessamy was, she was still a raven and couldn't defend herself well from humans.

Whenever Atia got a break from her duties as the Queen, instead of returning to helping the dreamers, as she did before, she choose to search for any clue on how to get her husband back.

But as the years went by, she had to hold back a bit with her search. The Dreaming was slowly falling apart.

No matter how much of her powers Atia used, she couldn't stop it. It didn't matter they were almost the same as her husband's, they weren't Morpheus'. The realm didn't react to hers as well as it would to his.

Finally Atia had enough. She needed to see Dream for herself.

That night, she went with Jessamy, leaving Lucienne in charge of everything that was left of their home. 

As soon as they got to the house Dream was being held in, Atia almost staggered, as a small smile broke out on her face. 

For the first time in a few years, she could finally feel him. She could feel his power from the inside of the mansion, pulsing very weakly as if something was blocking it. Still, he was here.

She let the raven go first. While she got into the house, the Queen could see everything she was doing, as if she was looking from her perspective. 

She saw how Jessamy avoided guards. How she hid in the room and watched as the Roderick Burgess, the owner of the house, lit up his cigarette with a match. 

Atia could almost feel the gears turning in the raven's head, as Jessamy tilted her head and watched curiously. As soon as he was gone, she flew down from her spot and took one of the matches.

Flying by the doors, she lit it up against a doorframe, before flying into an office and throwing it down on a piece of paper. The Queen held back a smirk, as she watched the bird's plan unfold. 

Two men, who were probably supposed to be guarding Morpheus, left their posts, attracted by the smell of smoke. As soon as they realised what was going on, they ran to take care of the situation.

Quickly following after the raven, Atia appeared in a basement. 

As soon as she did, she felt her knees go weak with relief. There he was. Trapped in a massive ball of glass, inside a binding circle, but he was there.

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